Hello everyone. Praise the Lord!
Here is an article by an unknown author that I would like to share.
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Is speaking in tongues for you?
One answer to that question is this, tongues is not the Holy Ghost, it’s only the evidence of it. The Holy Ghost is the Spirit of God. Christ in you, the Hope of Glory. A resounding yes! It is for you!
Factually and without argument, it is for every man, woman, boy, and girl on earth. It is for Methodists, Episcopalians, Mormons, Muslims, Buddhists, Baptists, Pentecostals, Nazarenes, Catholics and more. In short, it is for you.
To those who say it was for the Apostles only, on the day of Pentecost the Holy Ghost fell on 120 men and women. To those who say it was only for the Apostles, the Apostles only represented 12 of the 120 that were present.
Twenty five years after the day of Pentecost Apostle Paul addresses speaking in tongues to the Corinthian church in 55AD. Many churches, and many organizations teach that speaking in tongues was only for the Apostles. Paul’s writing to the Corinthian church clearly, and completely refutes that. Simply put, why would he give instructions to a church regarding it if it had ceased?
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What is tongues? Tongues are languages not unlike English, Spanish or French. Tongues are not unintelligible, rather every utterance is a word. There are tongues of men, and tongues of Angels. Every tongue (language) is understood by God, and there is a language(s) that is/are only and exclusively understood by God alone.
Tongues can be understood by the speaker if they pray for understanding. Tongues can also be understood by those listening if it is a language they know. And finally tongues can be a conversation exclusively between you and God.
Some point to the scripture that says do all speak with tongues? This is found in 1 Corinthians chapter 12. However, this reference to tongues is referring to the gift of tongues. The gift of tongues only works in relation to another gift of the spirit; the gift of interpretation of tongues. What Paul is asking is do all have the gift of tongues. The answer is no they do not. Neither does everyone work miracles. However, the Holy Ghost is promised to all.
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On the day of Pentecost, the gift of tongues was not in operation, the gift of the Holy Ghost was. When the 120 men and women came out of the upper room, they were speaking in the languages of those present. Consequently, no interpretation was needed. If I speak in Spanish and you understood Spanish, no interpreter is needed. The gift of tongues only operates in concert with the gift of interpretation.
Tongues is nothing to fear. It is simply a language. When we yield ourselves to God, He will speak through us. God gives the Holy Ghost to those who obey Him. It is a promise to everyone on earth. To everyone from the day of Pentecost until this day, the Holy Ghost is for you.
Apostle Peter knew that the house of Cornelius received the Holy Ghost, for they heard them speak with tongues. The house of Cornelius was comprised of Gentiles and this took place eight years after the day of Pentecost. This refutes the belief that the Holy Ghost was only for the Apostles.
The reason Baptists, Methodists and every other religion does not receive the gift of the Holy Ghost is because they don’t seek for it. If you repent of your sins you can receive the Holy Ghost. If you repent of your sins and are baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ, receiving the Holy Ghost then becomes a promise to you.
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The gift of the Holy Ghost is not the same as the gift of tongues. The gift of tongues needs the gift of interpretation to work properly. On the day of Pentecost they spoke in the languages of those who heard. An interpreter, as happens with the gift of tongues, was not present. The gift of the Holy Ghost is for everyone.
William James Roop