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Tuesday, February 11, 2025
Holy Ghost Meetings
Tuesday, February 16, 2021
A Song In Tongues
Hello everyone. Praise the Lord.
Both of these songs were sung in tongues as reported by the Azusa street revival in 1906, in Los Angeles, California, in William J. Seymour's book called, "The Azusa Street Papers."
"With one accord, all heaven rings,
With praises to our God and King;
Let earth join in our song of praise,
And ring it out through all the days."
Again a beautiful song was sung in tongues: "Hosanna to the son of David; Blessed is He that cometh in the name of the Lord; Hosanna in the highest.". (Matt. 21:9). This was the greeting given our Savior at His triumphal entry into Jerusalem. The brother who understood the language said in the foreign tongue it was the sublimest poetry. That the same time, the room was filled with the glory of God.
We afterward learned of a remarkable coincidence. The same song was being sung at the Pentecostal Mission at 3271/2 South spring Street, And was interpreted there the same. The saints worshiping in those two places were in perfect harmony of spirit, And the Holy Ghost witnessed to it.
At the all day meeting on Christmas, a day never to be forgotten, we had a Christmas Carol and tongues. It began with one voice, just as on Bethlehem's plains, and a chorus of voices joined in. It was interpreted by one who knew the language:. "Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace, Goodwill to men.". This was very sweet and heavenly. Then followed the reading of the Scripture. People are melted to tears and hearing the singing. It is the Harmony of heaven and the Holy Ghost that puts music in the voices that are untrained.
William James Roop, MABS
Roop-Crappell Ministries
Hospice Blog
Apostolic Theological Seminary