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Friday, March 31, 2023

How To Spend Your Last Years?

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

Today I found that a missionary friend, Allen Stone, passed away in the country of Guatemala.  He had battled heart disease for years, and knew he would die soon.  He could have been living in comfort here in the States, but decided to live his last remaining years helping children, in a children's home in the mountains of Guatemala. 

 A month ago he came to the States to visit family, and then he returned back to the children's home. He also spent time visiting friends there as well.  Two days ago he had a massive heart attack while there! Today, he passed away in a Guatemalan hospital, and now has moved on to his eternal reward in Glory!

He knew he would die soon from heart failure. But he made the choice to live life to the fullest, working for the Lord with the few remaining years he had left. Allen was in his late seventies when I was there, maybe now he was eighty. Either way he lived full and blessed life. 

Some people would have spent their last years in and out of hospitals,  being stuck with needles,  and being operated on. He chose to live his life to the fullest,  overseas loving the abused children in the home. He chose to have a positive last year of his life and working in the Kingdom. 

How do you want to spend your last years of life? In and out of hospitals? Allen chose to trust in the Lord, working for Him. I think that I will follow Allen's example. 

William James Roop, M.A.B.S.