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Showing posts with label Jesus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jesus. Show all posts

Sunday, June 30, 2024


Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

The number 40 is important in the Bible, but what about the number 41?

In the Bible, it rained for 40 days and 40 nights. 
Day 41 came and the rain stopped.

Moses committed murder & hid in the desert for 40 years. 
Year 41 came, and God called him to help rescue Israel.

Moses went up on the mountain for 40 days. 
On day 41, he received the Ten Commandments.

The Israelites wandered in the wilderness for 40 years.
Year 41, they walked into the Promised Land.

Goliath taunted Israel for 40 days. 
Day 41 came, and David slew him.

Jonah preached a message of repentance to Nineveh for 40 days. 
On day 41, God stopped His plan to destroy them.

Jesus fasted and was tempted for 40 days. 
Day 41, and the devil fled.

After His resurrection, Jesus appeared to His disciples for 40 days. 
On day 41, He ascended into Heaven.

All this to say...don't quit. The rain will stop, the giant will fall, and you will enter your "promised land." Don't give up at 40.

41 is coming.

Credit: McKenzie Miller

Shared by William James Roop

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

What is His Name?

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

Here is an article from an unknown author that I wanted to share.

The name Jesus Christ is not the same in every language. 

The name Yeshua is not the same in every language. 

Is either name the only correct name? The answer is no. 

Jesus Christ, Jesucristo, Иисус Христос, Ιησούς Χριστός, Yeshua, Iēsous, one could go on and on - all are equally powerful! 

The Name of Jesus Christ in the Greek language will not be the same for the English alphabet or the English language. Any insistence that the name of Jesus Christ or Yeshua must be said the same in every language is simply incorrect. Not only is it incorrect, it is impossible. 

The Bible nowhere commands us to only speak or write the Name of Jesus Christ in Hebrew or Greek. Or, for that matter Aramaic. In Aramaic, Jesus is called Ishoʿ (īšōʕ), which is a cognate of the Hebrew name Yeshua. 

I’ve been to other countries and the Name of Jesus Christ is not pronounced the same, or even spelled the same. 

The spelling of names and their pronunciations (including Jesus Christ) vary widely across different languages due to differences in phonetic sounds, pronunciation rules, and even cultural influences. 

We must know that changing the spelling or pronunciation of a word does not affect the meaning of the word. Having said that, the words used to describe the same meaning may be as different as night and day.

With over 7,000 languages in the world, it is IMPOSSIBLE to say the name of Jesus Christ or Yeshua the same in every language.

Some would argue that the letter J is a modern invention so Jesus Christ is not the correct name. This logic falls short of being a valid explanation. There are over 7,000 languages in the world which will affect the pronunciation of the name Jesus Christ. In addition, there are up to 400 different alphabets or even more, which will also affect the “spelling” of the name Jesus Christ. Many alphabets do not even have the letter Y for Yeshua.

To revere the name Yeshua above the name Jesus Christ is to not have an understanding of the difference in languages. For instance, the Turkish name for Jesus Christ is İsa Mesih. 

It is said the word hallelujah is pronounced the same in every language, maybe - - however the name Jesus Christ and the name Yeshua are not. 

Mandarin Chinese and Japanese are tonal languages, which means words are differentiated by pitch. Korean is also a language isolate, meaning it is not related to any other language. This becomes problematic if one insists that the name of our savior, or Salvador, or Retter, or Sauveur….. Savior is not the same in every language. Jesus Christ isn’t either. 

It’s ok to say the Name of Jesus Christ the way your language dictates. You do not have to use the name Yeshua if you speak English. The name of Jesus Christ works! The name of Jesus Christo works! To revere one above the other is error and a total misunderstanding of the languages God has given us. 

The name of Jesus Christ is powerful / EQUALLY powerful in every language including sign language. 

Here is a list of some language isolates, which are languages that have no known genetic relationship with any other language: Basque, Ainu, Burushaski, Korean, and Sumerian are a few examples of language isolates. Names will be spelled and pronounced differently in these and mostly all languages. 

Each language has its own set of sounds and phonetic patterns, which may not exist in other languages. Consequently, when a name is transliterated or pronounced in a different language, it must submit to the phonetic rules of that language. 

For those who say His name is Yeshua and not Jesus Christ they are correct, but only when referring to the Hebrew language. For English speakers His name is Jesus Christ. The logic that says His name is Yeshua in every language cannot be applied to the other 7,000 plus languages. 

The name Yeshua works for healing. The name of Jesus Christ works for healing. The name of İsa Mesih works for healing. 

People rebaptizing those who have been baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ into the name of Yeshua simply fail to understand the phonetic sounds, pronunciation rules, and cultural applications of different languages. If you believe Yeshua is the only acceptable spelling and pronunciation then you have just ostracized all of the languages which do not have a Y sound in their language. Many do not. 

Quite simply not all names have direct equivalents in other languages. 

The fallacy that you must be baptized in the name of Yeshua falls apart when you translate the name of Yeshua into the 7,000 languages and write the name in the hundreds of different alphabets known in the world.

Syllable stress, vowel sounds, and different consonant sounds are applied when a name is translated. John, Jean, Juan - is the same name in English, French, and Spanish. Linguistic and cultural guidelines are adhered to when translating names. 

The name of Jesus Christ in different languages: 

1. Arabic: عيسى المسيح (Isa Al-Masih)
2. Chinese (Simplified): 耶稣基督 (Yēsū Jīdū)
3. French: Jésus-Christ
4. German: Jesus Christus (Yey-zoos)
5. Greek: Ιησούς Χριστός (Iesoús Christós)
6. Hindi: यीशु मसीह (Yīśu Masīh)
7. Italian: Gesù Cristo
8. Japanese: イエス・キリスト (Iesu Kirisuto)
9. Portuguese: Jesus Cristo
10. Spanish: Jesucristo

The name Mark in 10 languages:

1. Spanish: Marcos
2. French: Marc
3. German: Markus
4. Italian: Marco
5. Portuguese: Marcos
6. Dutch: Mark
7. Russian: Марк (Mark)
8. Japanese: マーク (Maaku)
9. Chinese (Simplified): 马克 (Mǎkè)
10. Korean: 마크 (Makeu)

My Name Wylie in ten languages:

1. Arabic: وايلي (Wāylī)
2. Chinese (Simplified): 怀尔 (Huái'ěr)
3. Chinese (Traditional): 懷爾 (Huái'ěr)
4. Dutch: Wylie
5. Greek: Γουάιλι (Gouáili)
6. Hindi: वाइली (Vā'ilī)
7. Italian: Wylie
8. Japanese: ワイリー (Wairī)
9. Korean: 와일리 (Waili)
10. Portuguese: Wylie

The following is an excerpt from Bishop David Bernard’s book, In the Name of Jesus: 

Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary clearly shows that the English name Jesus came from the Latin Iesus, from the Greek Iesous, from the Hebrew Yeshua. Yeshua, in turn, is a contraction of the original Hebrew name Yehoshua. This long form occurs in Numbers 13:16, and it comes from Yah (a short form of Yahweh) and hoshia (meaning “to help,” with the later connotation “to save”). To be consistent, one should not use the contracted form Yashua, but the original form Yehoshua or perhaps even Yahweh-hoshia. Moreover, the formation of the English name Jesus was not due to any sinister motive or meaning; it occurred according to standard rules and developments in Hebrew, Greek, Latin, and English.

It is not accurate to say that the name Jesus came from the combination of two separate words Je and sus, supposedly meaning “the pig,” any more than my name David comes from Da and vid, with the meaning of “daytime video.” Moreover, no dictionary says that je means “the” or that sus means “pig.” The relation of the endings of Dionysus, Zeus, and Jesus is purely coincidental. In the original Greek there is no connection, for the endings are, respectively, -os, -eus, and -ous. (Both eu and ou are diphthongs, which means that the vowels are to be pronounced as one unit and not to be regarded as separate sounds or syllables.) Fifth, as a practical matter, God Himself honors the use of the English name Jesus. When people pray by using this name in faith, they receive the Holy Spirit, answers to prayer, healing, and deliverance from demons. 

In conclusion, the name of Jesus may be pronounced in many different ways in various languages, dialects, and accents. In all of its forms, it means the same thing: the one true God of the Old Testament has become our Savior in the historical person of Jesus of Nazareth. When a person uses the name with that understanding, and with faith in Jesus as Lord and Messiah, then regardless of the language he speaks, his prayer will reach the throne of God and his invocation of God’s name will be effective.

William James Roop

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

What Is A Oneness Pentecostal?

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

Here is an article by an unknown author.

I am a Oneness Pentecostal. That means...

1. I believe in the Oneness of God, while the rest of "Christianity" believes in a Trinity.
2. I believe in Jesus' name baptism, while the rest of "Christianity" baptizes in titles, and refuses to baptize in Jesus' name.
3. I believe in the essentiality of the baptism of the Holy Ghost and speaking in other tongues, while the vast majority of all "Christianity" do not speak in tongues, and most of them think it is of the devil.
4. I believe in a lifestyle of holiness and separation from the world, while most of Christianity is growing increasingly intolerant of ANY RULES whatsoever, preaching the hyperist hyper-grace the world has ever known.

So.. that also means that I am a very determined Christian, to swim against the current, and feel the endless opposition of nearly everyone around me. I have asked myself ten million times if I am absolutely sure that what I believe is right, because I don't want to be painting myself in a corner unnecessarily, or bring unnecessary hardship on myself. But every time, after DECADES of searching, studying, praying, and re-consecrating myself, I come up with the same conclusion:

What I believe is exactly right. I am not in error. I am not a heretic. The Oneness Apostolic Acts 2:38 Pentecostal Holiness message is absolutely the original and authentic message of the real New Testament Church. All the rest are wrong. So even if the ENTIRE WORLD is Trinitarian, I will keep on being Oneness. Even if the ENTIRE WORLD baptizes in titles, I will baptize in Jesus' name. Even if the ENTIRE WORLD is Baptist, or Catholic, or anything else, I'm going to keep on talking in tongues. Even if the ENTIRE WORLD says that holiness is legalism, bondage and spiritual abuse, I'm going to keep on preaching and practicing the holy lifestyle.

So, there. That's just the way it's got to be.

William James Roop

Monday, April 1, 2024

Cast your Nets

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

Leadership lessons of Jesus.

The way Jesus said things without saying a word? He was of course without a peer and forever shall be. 

The disciples fished all night and were shut out. All fisherman know the feeling. (Maybe most) 

Jesus said, “Cast your net on the right side and ye shall find.” Indeed they did. The catch was so great they couldn’t pull it in.

Here comes one of the many lessons of this story: Newsflash pastors and preachers and soul winners, God doesn’t need you to catch the fish! When they got to shore, the meal was ready. The fish was already cooking. 

Three elements were there: 

1) The Fire - It’s His fire.
2) The Fish - God said, All souls are mine 
3) The Bread - He Is the Bread of Life. It’s His

Not only did Jesus tell them to cast the nets, He already had corn in the crib. The lesson couldn’t have been any stronger! You see this fish? I know what I’m doing. I don’t need any of you to catch fish. 

He doesn’t need us to fill the nets, He needs us to cast the nets!

William James Roop

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Money Changers

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

Here is a little food for thought.

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Jesus, in Mark 11, went into the temple, "He overthrew the tables of the money changers and the seats of them that sold doves. 

Why would He word it in that format. Why not say, He overthrew the tables and chairs.  NO , He
deliberately separates the two. Why did the money changers have no seats? Why did the people who sold doves not have tables?

 WELL... the money changers are pastors, we need to be in ministry for the right reasons. The dove is symbolic of the Holy Spirit! The congregation has no table, only a seat, selling the Holy Spirit SHORT, in their lives. Unless we intervene. "When does the football game start, I wish the preacher would stop talking" Ever hear those words?

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William James Roop

Saturday, November 4, 2023

In The Beginning, The Son?

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

Here is an article by an unknown author I would like to share.

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In the beginning what form was the Son in? There was no heaven. He wasn’t sitting next to the Father. There wasn’t a place to sit. Nothing visible or invisible had been created. There were no angels. What form was God manifested in? None. There were no manifestations. There was nothing except the Word. And that Word was in the form of an invisible Spirit- and still is. Logos is the mind and thoughts of God. 

People have for centuries conjured up images of things that are not accurate or true. Please understand heaven was “created.” It has not always been there. The one throne in heaven wasn’t always there. 

All things that were created? They were created by Jesus Christ. Who is Jesus Christ? God manifest in the flesh. 

The Bible doesn’t teach the Trinity in any measure, -the Bible teaches about one God. Some say these three are one. That’s not true. Three are not one, but one God is manifested in three.

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In the beginning then, what form or essence was the Father? The Son? The Holy Ghost. Three Spirit forms? The Son was an invisible Spirit? Three minds? You can’t say three minds are one mind.

God is a singular Spirit. Just one. John 4:24. The Holy one of Israel. The Holy Ghost or Holy Spirit is simply the name of God’s Spirit in us. It is a designation. 

The Holy Spirit doesn’t think anything God doesn’t think. Two minds would be two Gods. Three minds would be three Gods. It’s unlearned to believe the Holy Ghost is a separate Spirit. 

We are made in God’s image and likeness. Body, Soul, Spirit. We are for sure one being. 

Jesus is the image of the invisible God. God was in Christ. There are not three persons in the Godhead. 
It’s against what the Bible teaches. 

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The Father and the Holy Spirit are one and the same. 
The Father is a Holy Spirit. There is only one Spirit. That Spirit is God. That Spirit took on the form of man. 

Heaven was created. In the beginning was the Word. 

Nothing else. 

That Word was God. The Word was the only thing. The mind of God, the thoughts of God. What form? The same as today. 

God is an invisible Spirit. He has always been an invisible Spirit, and always will be. You cannot see God and you never will see God. 

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The imaginations of the Father sitting on the throne are just that- imagined. God is an invisible Spirit who no man has ever seen nor can see. He is light that cannot be seen.

“which in his times he shall shew, who is the blessed and only Potentate, the King of kings, and Lord of Lords; who only hath immortality, dwelling in the light which no man can approach unto; whom no man hath seen, nor can see: to whom be honour and power everlasting. Amen.” 1 Tim ‬ ‭6:15-16‬ ‭

“Now unto the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only wise God, be honour and glory for ever and ever. Amen.” 1 Tim‬ ‭1:17‬ ‭

“Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature:” Colossians‬ ‭1:15‬ ‭

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Stephen did not see God when he looked into heaven. The Bible says he saw the glory “of” God. Hebrews 1:3 says that Jesus is the brightness of His Glory. It all points to Jesus Christ. In Him - not them - dwells all the fulness of the Godhead Bodily. 

That invisible singular Spirit overshadowed Mary and was born of woman. 

He was then in the world and the world was made by Him. That’s simple. It says it was made by Jesus Christ in more than one place. 

Some Christian leaders get angry when someone gets baptized in the name of Jesus Christ. They will cast you out because you baptize in the only name that can cast out devils. They choose to be baptized - I can’t say in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, because they don’t. They get baptized by simply repeating the command of Jesus Christ instead of obeying it. 

They say, “I now baptize you in the name of the Father, and the name of the Son, and the Name of the Holy Ghost.” Only they don’t - they don’t say one name. They don’t say the only name. Jesus Christ. Seven days after Jesus ascended Peter said to be baptized in that NAME.

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Baptism is in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ

NAME of The Father, Son, Holy Ghost Mt‬ ‭28:19‬ 
NAME of Jesus Christ Acts‬ ‭2:38‬ 
‭NAME no other name than Jesus Christ Acts‬ ‭4:12‬ 
NAME of the Lord Jesus Acts‬ ‭8:16‬ ‭
NAME of the Lord Acts‬ ‭10:48‬ ‭
NAME of Lord Jesus Acts‬ ‭19:5‬ ‭
‭NAME all in the name of Lord Jesus Col 3:17

William James Roop

Sunday, October 29, 2023

Jesus is God Alone

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

Here is an article from an unknown author that I wanted to share.

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Jesus is God. He is God alone.

 There is none like Him. None can be compared to Him. None can give Him counsel. He will not share his glory with another. There is only one thing He does not know; another God. His breath is our life. Our lives are in the palm of His hand. In Him we live and move and have our very being. He made us a living soul. There is only one perfect, Holy, God breathed book in the entire universe. The Holy Bible.

He is Logos. He is thought. His thoughts are higher than ours. If He thinks it, it was already there. He does not discover truth, He is Truth. He does not increase in knowledge. His thoughts are perfect. He does not think before He speaks. He doesn’t ponder, hesitate, wonder, experiment, He is perfect. He is complete. He is God. Every adjective fails to come close to matching his Glory and splendor. He is the only true and wise God, Jesus Christ our savior.

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His ways are higher than ours are. He is beyond finding out. Our wisdom is foolishness with Him. There is only one thing to do. Worship Him. He is Alpha, Omega, the beginning and the end the first and the last, and beside Him there is no God.  Who has given Him counsel? None. Jesus was made a little lower than the angels. Jesus Christ was born a man. His name shall be called Emmanuel. God with us. He was in the world, and the world was created by Him. He reveals Himself to select ones. He won’t slip trip or fall, and He doesn’t wear safety shoes. 

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.” Isaiah‬ ‭55

William James Roop

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Why The Second Adam Had To Sleep

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

Here is an article from an unknown source I wanted to share.

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First, through death, Jesus Christ destroyed everything that would stand in His way of winning the hand of His beloved bride. He made sure that, by his own death, He removed all that could harm His lovely bride before she came into existence. For this reason, He would not allow her to appear until death was overcome.

1. He destroyed the sin that would eternally separate her from Him. 

2. He destroyed the Law that would suffocate her under a mountain of religious bondage and a pile of crushing condemnation. 

3. He destroyed the power of the Evil One who would seek to take her life. 

4. He destroyed the world system, which would lure her heart away from Him. 

5. He destroyed the old creation, which would defile and corrupt her. 

6. Most importantly, He destroyed death itself; for He would ensure that the object of His passion would never taste death. 

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As the first Adam was put into a deep sleep so the woman could be a new creation (from the 8th day, not the 6 days of creation) and “built” from His very DNA, so the Second Adam waited until he was in a “deep sleep” before the Second Eve could be fashioned as the New Creation.  

Death where is your sting!   Death shall never do them part!

William James Roop

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

The Duality Of Jesus

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

This is something very important to meditate on.

 You’ll never understand the Godhead until you get revelation of the duality of Jesus:

1) Jesus was the son of man on his mother side, but he’s the son of God on his father side.

2) He was the seed of Abraham on his mother’s side, but he’s before Abraham on his father's side.

3) He was the seed of David on his mother’s side, but he’s the root of David on his father's side.

4) He was finite on his mother’s side, but he’s infinite on his father’s side. 

5) He was natural his mother’s side, but he’s was supernatural on his father’s side.

6) He was physical on his mother’s side, but he was spiritual on his father’s side.

7) He was temporal on his mother’s side, but he was eternal on his father’s side.

8. He was 6 feet tall on his mother’s side, but he filled all space on his father’s side.

9) He preached the word on his mother’s side, but he was the word on father’s side.

10) He walked by the sea on mother’s side, but he walked on the sea on his father’s side.

11) He was 33 years old on his mother’s side, but he was the ancient of days on his father’s side.

12) He got hungry on his mother’s side, but he fed the 5,000 with two fishes and 5 loaves on his father’s side.

13) He got tired on mother’s side, but gives us rest on his father’s side.

14) He prayed in the garden of Gethsemane on his mother’s side, but he answers our prayers on his father’s side.

15) He died on the cross on his mother’s side, but he kept on living on his father’s side.

16) He got his body from his mother’s side, but he got his blood from his father’s side. 

For [because] in him [Jesus] dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily. (Colossians 2:9)

By Dr. Johnny James.

William James Roop

Tuesday, June 6, 2023

A Little Bit About Jesus

 Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

Here is a little about Jesus Christ.  The Lord of lords and the King of kings.

Jesus was prophesied for thousands of years more than anyone else.  The Bible is about Jesus.

He was born in a manger and poor.  He can relate to poor people.

Jesus was born with sheep because He is the good shepherd.  Sheep may be dumb, but they knew a good shepherd when they saw one.

Jesus was born poor in a barn, but kings came to give Him gifts.

Jesus was born in Israel, but kings traveled hundreds of miles by foot to gift Him.

Other kings tried to kill Him, but God took care of Him.

As a baby He lived in Egypt, but the world could not affect Him.

He moved to Nazareth to fulfill prophecy.

At 12 years old He instructed priests in the Temple.

He honored His mother and father.  He created wine from water because His mother asked.

William James Roop

Roop-Crappell Ministries

Hospice Care and Dying

The Trucking Tango

Sunday, June 4, 2023

Keep Hanging Around Jesus

 Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

This message comes from a preacher that I listened to recently.  I don't know where he had received it from, but I wanted to share it with you.

Matthias was there from the beginning.  He saw it all, and followed close.

He wasn't chosen in the beginning ... but he never walked away.

He wasn't chosen in the beginning ... but he didn't get bitter.

He wasn't chosen in the beginning ... but he didn't sulk or seek promotion.

He wasn't chosen from the beginning ... but he chose Jesus over title.

He wasn't chosen from the beginning ... but he chose relationship over position.

He was the guy that just kept hanging around, refusing to be offended.

But, Jesus knew who he was, and had plans, and a place for him.

When Peter brought about his selection in Acts 1 to fill the empty position vacated by Judas, Jesus had already chosen him...

For 1 Corinthians 15:5 tells us that after His resurrection, Jesus was seen of Peter, then of the twelve. That means to me that Jesus was already including him.  He was that guy that just kept hanging around!

Don't ever quit, don't ever be offended, don't ever get bitter...

You may not have been chosen in the beginning, but the 11th hour workers were just as valuable as those chosen in the beginning.  The harvest would not have been brought in without them!

William James Roop

Hospice Care and Dying

The Trucking Tango

Brother Roop teaches the Bible

Saturday, May 27, 2023

A Great Dark Ball

 Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

A Great Dark Ball

Edna Slingerland, a child of eleven years living in Portland, Oregon has been in communion with Jesus for three years, and her parents write that she has had many visions given her.  

Saturday evening, November 24th after an hour spent in reading the Bible and talking to Jesus, the Lord gave her this vision.  She saw a great dark ball, black as could be, and as it rolled slowly, a large grey surface came in sight, and the words came to her, “Pacific Ocean.”  As it rolled on, she saw a large bright spot, bright as an electric light, and the words “Los Angeles” came. 

 Then in the brightness of it, Jesus’ face showed and a throng of angels dancing and rejoicing.  Then scattered over the black ball, she saw here and there, a very small bright spot and in each of them, the face of Jesus showed only partly.[1]

 William James Roop, M.A.B.S.

Roop-Crappell Ministries

Hospice Care and Dying

 The Trucking Tango






[1] Seymour, William Joseph.  The Azusa Street Newsletter.  Published by the Apostolic Faith Mission in Los Angeles, California from 1906-1908.


Tuesday, May 23, 2023

A Vision of Heaven

 Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

A Vision of Heaven 

Our little girl Myrtle was recently taken with a severe cold and sore throat and had every symptom of scarlet fever.  During a season of prayer on Tuesday evening, December 18th, 1906, all the family, papa, mama, Herman, and four-year-old Ruth laid our hands on her head and each one prayed for her healing. 

A wonderful spirit of song came upon us.  The Spirit sang the songs of Zion through our lips.  During this season of song, my little girl sat on a chair with her eyes closed; and when the song stopped, she said, “O papa, I have seen Jesus.”  And then she told the following vision: 

I came to a city with many streets.  There seemed to be a division in the city, there was a narrow street that separated.  On the side streets were clean and paved and the buildings were of marble and strong, and there was a car there with the words on the front, TO ZION.  On the side of the car was TO THE BEAUTIFUL CITY OF GOD.  On the dirty street was a dirty car, and on the front was TO HELL.  On the side was GOING DOWN.  

After I got on the clean car, I went to the conductor and asked him if I could go over to the unclean car, and the car was stopped and I went across with others, and we took five apiece off from Satan’s car.  And when they came across the line from the unclean street to the clean, their garments and faces became clean.  And when we came to the white car, the car expanded itself to make room for all that came. 

I saw the car the devil was on, go down into a dark abyss.  Then our car stopped, and we all went over to where this car had disappeared.  Jesus spoke and a great grate of iron came and then a great stone, and stopped up the mouth of the abyss so that Satan could come out no more. 

As the car went on, I saw that everything was beautiful.  The mist rolled away.  Beautiful flowers appeared. 

When we arrived at the beautiful city of God, there were lovely homes given to us.  And after we were there long enough to get adjusted, we went to visit the Palace of the King.  I saw Jesus on a throne made of diamonds and pearls.  He was dressed in shining raiment, sparkling in every color. 

A beautiful Christmas feast was spread on tables.  The cloth on the tables and the food was beautiful.  The walls of the room and the carpet on the floor shone with beautiful colors.  I looked in the mirror and saw I was clad like an angels.  I saw my father and mother and brother and sister coming in, and their clothes were transformed like the rest. 

The molding around the room was decorated with holly,  most beautiful to behold.  Jesus called attention to me and said, “Do you see that little girl down there?”  Their eyes seemed to look clear through me.  Then He said, “This girl was very sick and had faith and I healed her.”  And all the hosts sang a most beautiful song of praise.  Then Jesus took us and showed us all around.  When we came out, He had a beautiful chariot ready to take us all back to earth.”[1]

 William James Roop, M.A.B.S.

Roop-Crappell Ministries

Hospice Care and Dying

The Trucking Tango


[1] Seymour, William Joseph.  The Azusa Street Newsletter.  Published by the Apostolic Faith Mission in Los Angeles, California from 1906-1908.


Friday, May 19, 2023

Visions of Jesus

 Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

This was first published in 1906 in the paper, Household of God, by Thomas Junk.  It was reprinted on the same year by the Apostolic Faith Mission Newsletter.

While Brother G.W. Evans was with us in Oakland, California, exhorting the people to come to Christ, we observe he was speaking i verse with great earnestness, in which the great blessing of salvation and happiness and eternal life were held out to all who would come to Christ and obey Him.  

After speaking in this manner for probably five minutes he fell backward to the floor, and remained in an unconscious state for probably ten minutes; and then arose.  After meeting a woman in the congregation went to him and requested a copy of the poetry he had spoken, and found he was oblivious to the fact that he had repeated a number of verses.

Later I talked to him about this experience, and he stated that he had never committed any such verses to memory and knew nothing of having repeated them in the meeting.

He then told me that while he was speaking the whole rear end of the Hall became filled with faces of angelic beings from floor to ceiling and from wall to wall.  A literal bank of beautiful faces, with Jesus in the center, and all faces turned towards Him.  He says he recognized Peter and James and John, also John Wesley.

During his gaze at this Heavenly host he spoke unconsciously the invitations and exhortations to all to come and receive the rich blessings offered.  He knew nothing of his fall, but returned to consciousness to find himself on the floor.  The same thing occurred again, about ten days later in the meeting, with this difference he did not recognize any of the faces, except Jesus, standing in the center.

At both times, he says, there were waves of spiritual power and glory coming from Jesus all over him.  I believe everyone in the house felt the Divine power present, and the altar was instantly crowded with penitents.

William James Roop, M.A.B.S.

Roop-Crappell Ministries

Hospice Care and Dying

The Trucking Tango