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Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Why The Second Adam Had To Sleep

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

Here is an article from an unknown source I wanted to share.

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First, through death, Jesus Christ destroyed everything that would stand in His way of winning the hand of His beloved bride. He made sure that, by his own death, He removed all that could harm His lovely bride before she came into existence. For this reason, He would not allow her to appear until death was overcome.

1. He destroyed the sin that would eternally separate her from Him. 

2. He destroyed the Law that would suffocate her under a mountain of religious bondage and a pile of crushing condemnation. 

3. He destroyed the power of the Evil One who would seek to take her life. 

4. He destroyed the world system, which would lure her heart away from Him. 

5. He destroyed the old creation, which would defile and corrupt her. 

6. Most importantly, He destroyed death itself; for He would ensure that the object of His passion would never taste death. 

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As the first Adam was put into a deep sleep so the woman could be a new creation (from the 8th day, not the 6 days of creation) and “built” from His very DNA, so the Second Adam waited until he was in a “deep sleep” before the Second Eve could be fashioned as the New Creation.  

Death where is your sting!   Death shall never do them part!

William James Roop

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