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Showing posts with label fishermen. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fishermen. Show all posts

Monday, April 1, 2024

Cast your Nets

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

Leadership lessons of Jesus.

The way Jesus said things without saying a word? He was of course without a peer and forever shall be. 

The disciples fished all night and were shut out. All fisherman know the feeling. (Maybe most) 

Jesus said, “Cast your net on the right side and ye shall find.” Indeed they did. The catch was so great they couldn’t pull it in.

Here comes one of the many lessons of this story: Newsflash pastors and preachers and soul winners, God doesn’t need you to catch the fish! When they got to shore, the meal was ready. The fish was already cooking. 

Three elements were there: 

1) The Fire - It’s His fire.
2) The Fish - God said, All souls are mine 
3) The Bread - He Is the Bread of Life. It’s His

Not only did Jesus tell them to cast the nets, He already had corn in the crib. The lesson couldn’t have been any stronger! You see this fish? I know what I’m doing. I don’t need any of you to catch fish. 

He doesn’t need us to fill the nets, He needs us to cast the nets!

William James Roop