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Wednesday, April 5, 2023

In Jail For Jesus' Sake

 Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

Here is a story written by Henry McLain for the Azusa Street newspaper in Los Angeles, California in 1906. It's his personal testimony when arrested for street preaching.

When I first went down to Whittier from Los Angeles, as soon as I got on the streetcar to go down, it seemed the power of God came on me, and all the time I was there and during the trial in the courtroom I felt the power of God.  I could hardly sit on my chair in the courtroom.  I knew it was all in the order of the Lord for me to be arrested and put in jail.  The Lord wonderfully used me.  I never had such power of God on me as when I was in that jail.

As soon as we we would come in after supper, after working on the chain gang during the day shoveling dirt, I would get my Bible and call the men into the big room and the Lord gave me their tongue, the Spanish language.  I did not have that tongue, until I went into the jail. 

 As I would talk with them, the tears would run down their faces.  There was not one of them but was weeping bitterly.  Then when I went into my little cell, after I got done preaching, two or three of them would come in and talk with me a long while.  Most of the men were from Mexico. Two or three could talk English and they could interpret English for the others.  I did not know what I was saying in tongues, except as they interpreted for me. 

 When I was preaching to them in tongues, I read the 55th chapter of Isaiah to them in the Spanish language, with my Bible in my hand, but I did not know the chapter, nor that I had read it until they told me.  I never had the Lord use me so much before as in jail.  It seemed wave after wave of power would run over me.  There was hardly a night I would sleep more than an hour or two.  The Lord was giving me messages to give them.. Bless His holy name.

William James Roop

Roop-Crappell Ministries

Hospice Care and Dying

The Trucking Tango

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