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Showing posts with label hell. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hell. Show all posts

Saturday, June 24, 2023

In Hell

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

Here is the reality of those in hell, blessings.

- Prayerless people pray everyday.
- Unrepentant people repent everyday.
- Rich people cannot afford any water.
- Proud and stubborn people humble themselves everyday.
- Jokers become very serious.
- Those who reject the word of God become the earnest seekers of the word.
- Those who don't like to fast do it everyday. They fast everyday in hell.
- Those who wear worldly and sophisticated clothes are totally naked everyday.
- Master and servant, Mistress and maidservant, Rich and poor, Old and young, Educated and illiterate, become equal.
- Those who refuse to obey God while on earth have no choice than to obey demons in hell.
- Those who are enemies on earth are neighbours in hell.

Don't wait until you get to hell before you do the right thing. Do it now while you are still on earth.

Roman's 10:9; If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus and shall believe in thine heart that God hath raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.

Acts 2:38 
Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.

Pray this way:Lord Jesus, I am sorry for my sinful lifestyle. I believe in you. I believe you are the Son of God. The very God who manifest himself in the flesh. I believe that in your human nature you died for me. Wash me with your blood and make me a new creature in you. Thank you, Lord. Give me the gift of the Holy Spirit and grace to live a holy and righteous life till you come. In Jesus name. Amen. 

Now, find a church that baptizes believers in the Name of Jesus Christ, the name given among men whereby we must be save (Acts 4:12).

There is no air in hell, because God is the breath of Life.
There is no peace in hell, because God is the Prince of Peace.
There is no comfort in hell, because God is the comforter.
There is no love in hell, because God is Love.
Hell is darkness, because God in the Light.


William James Roop

Monday, May 29, 2023

A Visit To Hell

 Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

A Visit to Hell

I had stopped at the Love's Truck Stop to pick-up some fuel in Waller, Texas. In the next fuel island was an old friend, fueling up his truck.  We worked together for a few years, but we both worked for different companies. His name is Sammy, he is an immigrant from El Salvador,  and he has been working for Brenntag for over ten years. 

Sammy started sharing with me a lot of different spiritual experiences he was having throughout his life.  He said it started when he was praying whether or not he should change jobs.  Sammy said that God told him to keep his current job.

After a few different stories about his life, Sammy shared with me about a man in England, named Tandell, that gave his testimony on a radio show.

Mr. Tandell said that twenty years prior, he had raped and murdered a woman from Thailand, in London, England.  He said that he would never be caught, but after twenty years he had a major heart attack and his heart completely stopped!

Mr. Tandell was rushed to the hospital while the paramedics tried to work on him.  This man said that he was looking down on his body from above when the paramedics arrived.  He then started walking away with a very thick, black cloud chasing after him!  He would say later the thick, black cloud was time closing in on him!

Tandell was running from the thick, black cloud, when he came to three tunnels.  He said the tunnels were his three big mistakes in life.  He chose to go down one of the tunnels.  He was running down the tunnel with darkness closing in on him!  He came out of the tunnel, and started walking on a rope bridge.  This rope bridge spanned a lake of boiling blood!

When he got to the other side, demons that resembled frogs standing upright jumped on him and started stabbing him with knives, and kept killing him over and over again, but he could not die!  This went on over and over again until he woke up in the hospital!  He woke up screaming for help!

The doctors revived his heart by shocking his chest.  That’s what brought this man alive again, and back from the dead!  This man knew immediately when he was revived, that he was being punished for the murder that he had committed twenty years ago!

He asked the doctors and nurses to call the police immediately.  He was a murderer, and he wanted to confess his crimes!  The medical staff was confused, but they called the police anyway. 

Two detectives arrived, and he confessed to the murder, and everything else that he was guilty of.  He confessed to all of his crimes to the police, but especially to the murder of the woman!

The courts pronounced him guilty and gave him a life sentence in prison.  This man spent the remaining years of his life in prison reading the Bible! That’s how he died years later, in his prison cell reading his Bible![1]

William James Roop

Roop-Crappell Ministries

Hospice Care and Dying

The Trucking Tango




[1] A story shared to me by a friend.

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

A Vision of Heaven

 Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

A Vision of Heaven 

Our little girl Myrtle was recently taken with a severe cold and sore throat and had every symptom of scarlet fever.  During a season of prayer on Tuesday evening, December 18th, 1906, all the family, papa, mama, Herman, and four-year-old Ruth laid our hands on her head and each one prayed for her healing. 

A wonderful spirit of song came upon us.  The Spirit sang the songs of Zion through our lips.  During this season of song, my little girl sat on a chair with her eyes closed; and when the song stopped, she said, “O papa, I have seen Jesus.”  And then she told the following vision: 

I came to a city with many streets.  There seemed to be a division in the city, there was a narrow street that separated.  On the side streets were clean and paved and the buildings were of marble and strong, and there was a car there with the words on the front, TO ZION.  On the side of the car was TO THE BEAUTIFUL CITY OF GOD.  On the dirty street was a dirty car, and on the front was TO HELL.  On the side was GOING DOWN.  

After I got on the clean car, I went to the conductor and asked him if I could go over to the unclean car, and the car was stopped and I went across with others, and we took five apiece off from Satan’s car.  And when they came across the line from the unclean street to the clean, their garments and faces became clean.  And when we came to the white car, the car expanded itself to make room for all that came. 

I saw the car the devil was on, go down into a dark abyss.  Then our car stopped, and we all went over to where this car had disappeared.  Jesus spoke and a great grate of iron came and then a great stone, and stopped up the mouth of the abyss so that Satan could come out no more. 

As the car went on, I saw that everything was beautiful.  The mist rolled away.  Beautiful flowers appeared. 

When we arrived at the beautiful city of God, there were lovely homes given to us.  And after we were there long enough to get adjusted, we went to visit the Palace of the King.  I saw Jesus on a throne made of diamonds and pearls.  He was dressed in shining raiment, sparkling in every color. 

A beautiful Christmas feast was spread on tables.  The cloth on the tables and the food was beautiful.  The walls of the room and the carpet on the floor shone with beautiful colors.  I looked in the mirror and saw I was clad like an angels.  I saw my father and mother and brother and sister coming in, and their clothes were transformed like the rest. 

The molding around the room was decorated with holly,  most beautiful to behold.  Jesus called attention to me and said, “Do you see that little girl down there?”  Their eyes seemed to look clear through me.  Then He said, “This girl was very sick and had faith and I healed her.”  And all the hosts sang a most beautiful song of praise.  Then Jesus took us and showed us all around.  When we came out, He had a beautiful chariot ready to take us all back to earth.”[1]

 William James Roop, M.A.B.S.

Roop-Crappell Ministries

Hospice Care and Dying

The Trucking Tango


[1] Seymour, William Joseph.  The Azusa Street Newsletter.  Published by the Apostolic Faith Mission in Los Angeles, California from 1906-1908.


Saturday, October 2, 2021

A Visit To Hell

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

I was traveling for work, when I meet a co-worker in Waller Texas. We worked together for a few years, but we both worked for different companies. We both met again while we were pumping fuel next to each other.

You start telling me a lot of different spiritual experiences he was having throughout his life. It started when he was praying whether or not I changed jobs. You said that God told him to, "stay where you're at."

After a few different stories you told me about a man in England named Tandell. You said that twenty years prior he had raped and murdered a woman from Thailand in London England. He says for so long he would never be caught. But after twenty years he had a major heart attack and his heart stopped!

Who was rushed to the hospital while the paramedics tried to work on him. This man said that he was looking down on his body when they are paramedics arrived. We then start walking away with a very thick, black cloud, chasing after him. He would say later the thick, black cloud, was time closing in on him!

He was running from the thick, black cloud, when it came to three tunnels. He said the tunnels were his three big mistakes in life. He chose to go down one of the tunnels. He was running down the tunnel with darkness closing in on him. I came out of the tunnel and started walking on a rope bridge. Who wrote bridge spanned a lake of boiling blood!

When he got to the other side, demons that resembled frogs standing upright, jumped on him and started stabbing him and beating him over and over again! They kept killing him over and over again but he would not die! This went on over and over again until he woke up in the hospital! He woke up screaming for help!

The doctors revived his heart by shocking his chest. That's what brought this man alive again, and back from the dead!  This man knew immediately when he was revived, that he was being punished for the murder that he committed twenty years ago!  

He know that the doctors and nurses to call the police immediately. He was a murderer that he wanted to confess his crimes! The medical staff was confused, but they called the police anyway. Two detectives arrived and he confessed to the murder and everything else that he was guilty of. He confessed to all his crimes to the place but especially to the murder of the woman.

The courts pronounce him guilty and gave him a life sentence in prison. This man spent the remaining years of his life in prison reading the Bible. That's how he died years later, It is prison cell reading his Bible!

William James Roop, M.A.B.S.

 Roop-Crappell Ministries 

 Hospice Care and Dying 

 The Trucking Tango 

 Apostolic Theological Seminary 

Friday, July 23, 2021

Visions Of Hell

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

This is a vision of hell that was told by Brother Thomas Junk, It was recorded by William J Seymour, and his newsletter of the Azusa Street Mission, in Los Angeles, California, in 1906.

A sister who has been baptized with the Holy Ghost, was at a church where the evangelist denounced the works of Grace, the baptism with the Holy Ghost and the gift of tongues. That evening she says the Lord showed her a vision of an open hill just back of the pulpit, with the awful, lurid flames coming up, and people sitting around the altar with their feet hanging over into the open hell, unconscious of their condition.

Brother Thomas Junk, while in Oakland, had a vision of hell. He seemed to leave his body and was taken to the top of Knob Hill, in the midst of the ruins of San Francisco. The Savior commanded him, "Son of man, speak." As soon as he spoke, the ground at his feet parted and moved from him, disclosing a liquid fire, like molten iron, with demons and men and women in flames. 

He says there came to him an awful fume of burning sulfur and he heard the screams of the damned, which were heart-rending. All around the edges of the great opening, people were walking, unconscious of the open pit, and a continual stream of them were falling into the lake of fire. He beheld them splashing into the fire, and heard the laugh of demons as each struck the fire.

While beholding all this, he saw a woman he had known for some time, a professor of holiness and one who took a prominent part in testimony in prayer, running towards the opening, looking too high to see it. She dashed right over into the flames, and a shout went up from the demons, with such roars of laughter as he had never heard before.

Brother Junk had been an infidel, and since his conversion could not believe the scripture statements concerning hell, and had been teaching that the sufferings of the lost would be remorse and spiritual distress, but not fire. As he looked on the scene, Jesus Christ told him to preach a hell of fire, just as it is in the Word of God and he promised to do so.

But next Sabbath that professor of holiness was in the meeting as an opposer, insisting that she was filled with the Holy Ghost, but that his work was the work of seducing spirits and of the doctrine of devils.

The above incidents are taken from the Household of God, and many will remember Brother Junk, who was with us in Los Angeles.

William James Roop, M.A.B.S. 

 Hospice Care and Dying 

 The Trucking Tango 


Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Awful Realities Of Hell

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

This is a story told by William J. Seymour in his book called, "The Azusa Street Papers," published in 1906.

The question is asked: "Do you believe in hell?  Brother, it makes no difference what you or I believe, that does not do away with God's word.  He'll exist in its awful reality, whether you believe it or not, and multitudes are plunging headlong into it. "The wicked shall be turned into hell, And all the nations that forget God." Ps 9:17.

Jesus believed in hell, In one man to flee from it. Why are the pulpits so silent today? Because we are in the latter day apostasy. Read the words of Jesus:

"The Son of man shall send forth His angels, And they shall gather out of His Kingdom all things that offend, And then which to iniquity and shall cast them into a furnace of fire, there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth." Matt. 13:41, 42.

"So shall it be in the end of the world, The angels shall come forth and sever the wicked from among the just, and shall cast them into the furnace of fire; there shall be wailing and now gnashing of teeth." Matt. 13:49, 50.

"But Abraham said: Son, remember that thou and thy lifetime receivest they good things, And likewise Lazarus evil things, but now he is comforted and thou art tormented." Luke 16:25.

"But the fearful and unbelieving, And the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, And idolaters, In all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone which is the second death." (or separation from God.) Rev. 21:8.

"And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone where the beast and the false prophet are, and Shelby tormented day and night forever and ever." Rev. 20:10.

Beloved, These are the words of Jesus, And when He says "forever and ever" what could be more expressive of eternity?

William James Roop, M.A.B.S.

 Roop-Crappell Ministries 

 Hospice Volunteer Stories 

 The Trucking Tango 

 Apostolic Theological Seminary 

Monday, April 5, 2021

No Bottom

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

This is a true story told by William J. Seymour in his book, "The Azusa Street Papers," in 1906.

We meet many honest souls these days who are under the delusion that they have committed the unpardonable sin.  The following incident should be an encouragement to such.

A child of God was attacked by the enemy with the suggestion that she was forsaken of God and had committed the unpardonable sin.  She was then on a mission field in the South, separated from other Christian workers; And without any apparent cause, The archenemy that tempted our Savior told her that God hated her.  The words, "God hated you" seem to be continually shouted in her ears and she cannot get away from it.  She lost her faith and believed the enemy, not knowing his power.  The next suggestion was, "drown yourself in the river." She stood looking into the dark water, but the thought of her dear mother made her turn away.

She returned to her room, and throwing herself down, fell asleep and dreamed.  She seemed to be on a boat on which all the people but herself were rejoicing and praising God.  She heard the Captain call out to the pilot, "sound the depths and compare it with the love of God." The depths were sounded in the call came back "No bottom! No bottom!" She awoke in the ocean of God's love, All darkness past in the cry bringing in her ears, "No bottom!" For your sense then she has been in Gospel work on both sides of the ocean.

William James Roop, MABS

 My website 

 My hospice blog 

 Apostolic Theological Seminary