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Showing posts with label infidel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label infidel. Show all posts

Friday, July 23, 2021

Visions Of Hell

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

This is a vision of hell that was told by Brother Thomas Junk, It was recorded by William J Seymour, and his newsletter of the Azusa Street Mission, in Los Angeles, California, in 1906.

A sister who has been baptized with the Holy Ghost, was at a church where the evangelist denounced the works of Grace, the baptism with the Holy Ghost and the gift of tongues. That evening she says the Lord showed her a vision of an open hill just back of the pulpit, with the awful, lurid flames coming up, and people sitting around the altar with their feet hanging over into the open hell, unconscious of their condition.

Brother Thomas Junk, while in Oakland, had a vision of hell. He seemed to leave his body and was taken to the top of Knob Hill, in the midst of the ruins of San Francisco. The Savior commanded him, "Son of man, speak." As soon as he spoke, the ground at his feet parted and moved from him, disclosing a liquid fire, like molten iron, with demons and men and women in flames. 

He says there came to him an awful fume of burning sulfur and he heard the screams of the damned, which were heart-rending. All around the edges of the great opening, people were walking, unconscious of the open pit, and a continual stream of them were falling into the lake of fire. He beheld them splashing into the fire, and heard the laugh of demons as each struck the fire.

While beholding all this, he saw a woman he had known for some time, a professor of holiness and one who took a prominent part in testimony in prayer, running towards the opening, looking too high to see it. She dashed right over into the flames, and a shout went up from the demons, with such roars of laughter as he had never heard before.

Brother Junk had been an infidel, and since his conversion could not believe the scripture statements concerning hell, and had been teaching that the sufferings of the lost would be remorse and spiritual distress, but not fire. As he looked on the scene, Jesus Christ told him to preach a hell of fire, just as it is in the Word of God and he promised to do so.

But next Sabbath that professor of holiness was in the meeting as an opposer, insisting that she was filled with the Holy Ghost, but that his work was the work of seducing spirits and of the doctrine of devils.

The above incidents are taken from the Household of God, and many will remember Brother Junk, who was with us in Los Angeles.

William James Roop, M.A.B.S. 

 Hospice Care and Dying 

 The Trucking Tango 


Friday, July 9, 2021

In Money Matters

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

This was an article written by William J. Seymour of the Azusa Street Mission, In which she published this article in November of1906.

There have been teachers who have told all the people to sell out, and many of them have gone into fanaticism.  We let the Spirit lead people and tell them what they ought to give. When they get filled with the Spirit, their pocket books are converted and God makes them stewards and if He says, "Sell out," they will do so. But sometimes they have families. God does not tell you to forsake your family. He says if you do not provide for your own you are worse than an infidel.

Some are not called to go out and teach. We find some who have no wisdom nor faith, and the devil takes them to disgrace the work. Under false teaching, children have been left to go half naked, women have left their husbands, and husbands leave their wives to wash and scrub, in the Bible says that it is worse than infidelity. Then they will go and borrow and cannot pay back. That person ought to go to work. The Bible says, "let him labor, working with his hands the thing which is good, that he may have to give to him the needeth."

He sent those that are called out to preach the Gospel, to "take no thought what ye shall eat or drink." Get down and pray. Make your once known under God and he will send it in.

God does not expect all to sell out for He says in 1 Corinthians 16:1, "now concerning the collection for the saints,... upon the first day of the week, that every one of you lay by him and store, as God had prospered him." It does not mean for you to have great real estate and money backed up while your brothers and sisters are suffering. He means for you to turn loose because all that money is seen going to be thrown to the moles and bats.

So it is better to spread the Gospel and get stars in your crown then to be holding it. But for us to go and tell you to do it, pick out somebody that has money and read to Word to them would not be the Spirit of the Lord. The spirit will tell you what to do. He makes you do it. When he wakes you up at night and tells you what to do you cannot sleep till you obey. He says everyone shall be taught of God from the least to the greatest. God wants a free giver.

Ananias wanted to have a reputation that he sold out like the rest, so he plotted that he should give a portion and say he had sold out for the Lord. But the Holy Ghost told Peter that Ananias had told a lie. Peter told him the property was his. The Lord allows you to be the Stewart over it. The property was his and the sin was in lying to the Holy Ghost. It is right for you to have property, but if the Lord says, take $200 or $300 or $1000 and distribute here or there, you do it.

We must know our calling. We can work when baptized with the Holy Ghost. Some think they have got to preach. Well, we do preach and testifying. Some think they must go out because they have the tongues but those are good or Los Angeles are anywhere else. The Lord will lead you by His small voice.

Signed, William J Seymour.

William James Roop, M.A.B.S.

 Roop-Crappell Ministries 

 Hospice Volunteer Stories 

 The Trucking Tango 

 Apostolic Theological Seminary