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Showing posts with label Oakland. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Oakland. Show all posts

Friday, May 19, 2023

Visions of Jesus

 Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

This was first published in 1906 in the paper, Household of God, by Thomas Junk.  It was reprinted on the same year by the Apostolic Faith Mission Newsletter.

While Brother G.W. Evans was with us in Oakland, California, exhorting the people to come to Christ, we observe he was speaking i verse with great earnestness, in which the great blessing of salvation and happiness and eternal life were held out to all who would come to Christ and obey Him.  

After speaking in this manner for probably five minutes he fell backward to the floor, and remained in an unconscious state for probably ten minutes; and then arose.  After meeting a woman in the congregation went to him and requested a copy of the poetry he had spoken, and found he was oblivious to the fact that he had repeated a number of verses.

Later I talked to him about this experience, and he stated that he had never committed any such verses to memory and knew nothing of having repeated them in the meeting.

He then told me that while he was speaking the whole rear end of the Hall became filled with faces of angelic beings from floor to ceiling and from wall to wall.  A literal bank of beautiful faces, with Jesus in the center, and all faces turned towards Him.  He says he recognized Peter and James and John, also John Wesley.

During his gaze at this Heavenly host he spoke unconsciously the invitations and exhortations to all to come and receive the rich blessings offered.  He knew nothing of his fall, but returned to consciousness to find himself on the floor.  The same thing occurred again, about ten days later in the meeting, with this difference he did not recognize any of the faces, except Jesus, standing in the center.

At both times, he says, there were waves of spiritual power and glory coming from Jesus all over him.  I believe everyone in the house felt the Divine power present, and the altar was instantly crowded with penitents.

William James Roop, M.A.B.S.

Roop-Crappell Ministries

Hospice Care and Dying

The Trucking Tango

Saturday, July 31, 2021

Testimony Of Healing

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

This is a testimony of Mrs. May Evans, of her healing, and published in the newsletter of the Azusa Street Mission, in Los Angeles, California, in 1906.

Thirteen years ago, I was brought into the light of Divine healing, through the Word of God. I had never heard any teaching from man. But I had been for a long time very greatly afflicted and body. I had taken physicians and medicine until I became discouraged and continued to grow worse, till I decided to drop every remedy and take the Lord for my healer.

To this my people would not give consent. They thought I was losing my mind. One morning, through a nurse, I was chloroformed and taken out of my home to the hospital where they performed an operation. After the physicians had cut and slashed, and found that the seat of the trouble, was deeper than they anticipated, they lost courage and said it was impossible for me to recover.

It was only a question of a few hours that I could possibly live. My husband was away in God's work at the time, and my people became alarmed, and realized what they had done, and decided to take me back to my home to die. But, praise God, He had another plan in store for me.

I did not regain consciousness for many hours, I opened my eyes in my own room, and heard them praying around my bed. Then I realized my dreadful situation and in the most excruciating agony, I lifted my eyes to heaven and saw a light streaming down upon me. And in a moment, I heard the voice of Jesus telling me to trust Him, that he was my healer.

I said, "yes, Lord, I do trust thee and will trust thee, for thou hast healed me and healed me now." Then there was a wonderful joy that came into my very being, and I felt the Spirit and the healing power of Christ permeating my whole being, praise God. In three days time I was up and around my room, and in less than a week I was able to walk a mile. Never from that time have I doubted the healing power of Jesus. Since then, for thirteen years I have been in the Lord's work.

Well I wish to relate another instance of His healing power. While in Oakland, California, during last August, through an accident, God permitted the old trouble to come back, and from Saturday evening until Tuesday noon I suffered intensely. At noon time, we always held our workers' class there, and it was during the saints' meeting, I had a wonderful spirit of prayer, and I tried to say, "Jesus is here," and found I had no utterance, but he was present in my soul. The spirit of prayer continued on me until 2:30. Where the Lord permitted me to raise my eyes, I saw a vision of beautiful, rolling clouds, and Jesus suspended in the midst, and just then I realized that He was there for my healing.

Sister Crawford and Sister Junk who were with me also saw Jesus, and God revealed to them he had come to heal me. I felt the healing work of Jesus. Many of you loved ones have seen the mason lift up his trowel the mortar, and throw it up on the wall that he was building, and just so it seemed to me that the Great Physician was rebuilding the temple of my body. 

O Hallelujah! Praise His name.  O, I know that He is the only physician that can heal all our diseases. All the afternoon and evening, no matter which way I turned, the form of my Savior was suspended in front of me, and I wish ever to behold the smile of this countenance as I saw him on that day.  My healing was instantaneous, and today I rejoice in a perfect body.

Signed, Mrs. May Evans.

William James Roop, M.A.B.S.

 Roop-Crappell Ministries 

 Hospice Volunteer Stories 

 The Trucking Tango 

 Apostolic Theological Seminary 

Friday, July 23, 2021

Visions Of Hell

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

This is a vision of hell that was told by Brother Thomas Junk, It was recorded by William J Seymour, and his newsletter of the Azusa Street Mission, in Los Angeles, California, in 1906.

A sister who has been baptized with the Holy Ghost, was at a church where the evangelist denounced the works of Grace, the baptism with the Holy Ghost and the gift of tongues. That evening she says the Lord showed her a vision of an open hill just back of the pulpit, with the awful, lurid flames coming up, and people sitting around the altar with their feet hanging over into the open hell, unconscious of their condition.

Brother Thomas Junk, while in Oakland, had a vision of hell. He seemed to leave his body and was taken to the top of Knob Hill, in the midst of the ruins of San Francisco. The Savior commanded him, "Son of man, speak." As soon as he spoke, the ground at his feet parted and moved from him, disclosing a liquid fire, like molten iron, with demons and men and women in flames. 

He says there came to him an awful fume of burning sulfur and he heard the screams of the damned, which were heart-rending. All around the edges of the great opening, people were walking, unconscious of the open pit, and a continual stream of them were falling into the lake of fire. He beheld them splashing into the fire, and heard the laugh of demons as each struck the fire.

While beholding all this, he saw a woman he had known for some time, a professor of holiness and one who took a prominent part in testimony in prayer, running towards the opening, looking too high to see it. She dashed right over into the flames, and a shout went up from the demons, with such roars of laughter as he had never heard before.

Brother Junk had been an infidel, and since his conversion could not believe the scripture statements concerning hell, and had been teaching that the sufferings of the lost would be remorse and spiritual distress, but not fire. As he looked on the scene, Jesus Christ told him to preach a hell of fire, just as it is in the Word of God and he promised to do so.

But next Sabbath that professor of holiness was in the meeting as an opposer, insisting that she was filled with the Holy Ghost, but that his work was the work of seducing spirits and of the doctrine of devils.

The above incidents are taken from the Household of God, and many will remember Brother Junk, who was with us in Los Angeles.

William James Roop, M.A.B.S. 

 Hospice Care and Dying 

 The Trucking Tango 


Friday, July 16, 2021

The Faith Way

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

This is a short story about walking in faith, told by William J Seymour, in his newsletter of the Azusa Street Mission, published in Los Angeles, California, 1906.

While Sister Crawford was praying for money to send workers to Oakland, the Lord gave her a vision of three bills she would receive and she received three five dollar bills. Then when praying about her fair to Salem, Oregon, she saw three gold pieces and sure enough she received the gold pieces.

The Pentecostal Way is to make your request known to God, and to God alone, and truly it is a safe way, as we have tested and proved it. It is a way that honors God, It is the Bible way, It is the only safe way to go out, that is to walk with the Lord by the Light of His Word.

William James Roop, M.A.B.S.

 Roop-Crappell Ministries 

 Hospice Volunteer Stories 

 The Trucking Tango 

 Apostolic Theological Seminary 

Saturday, May 15, 2021

Adolph Rosa's Testimony

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

This is a testimony of Adolph Rosa's salvation story, as recorded by William J. Seymour in his book called, "The Azusa Street Papers," published in 1906 in Los Angeles, CA.

When Reverend Evans and his wife and Sister Florence Crawford went to the city of Oakland preaching the full Gospel, I went the first night, not to criticize but to investigate. Many preachers went there to criticize, but when I stepped in, I felt the power of God and could not say that it was the work of the devil, as most of the preachers declared, For I was practically convinced that it was the work of the Holy Ghost.  I went home and began to study my Bible, I went to God in prayer to reveal to me if these people were really the people of God.  He revealed to me in the attitude of my supplication that they were preaching exactly what the disciples of old preached.  I was convinced that every minister of the Gospel should receive the same baptism with the Holy Ghost and fire that the disciples received in the day of Pentecost, before they are prepared to preach the Gospel.  I was teaching that when we received sanctification, we received the Holy Ghost, as most of the preachers are teaching.  But as I went to my Bible with the spirit of prayer, God revealed to me that the disciples were justified before Christ ascended; but they never were baptized with the Holy Ghost until the day of Pentecost.

The second day that I went to the meeting, The Lord put a real hunger in my soul and go forward, but I was too proud as a minister of the Gospel to humble myself in a lowly mission and let ladies pray over me for the gift of the Holy Ghost, And I had in my mind but people would think of me. But the third day, as I arose to testify in the audience, The only words I could say were: "What does God think of me?" Then I could only weep for some minutes and the power of God came upon me until I dropped the floor.  I was under the power of God for about an hour and a half, And it was there that all pride, and self, and conceit disappeared, And I was really dead to the world, For I had Christ within in His fullness.  I was baptized with the Holy Ghost and spake in a new tongue.

I praise God for the light, And now I am walking in it. The desire of my heart is to see every man and woman that preaches the Gospel of Christ, baptized with the Holy Ghost, or without the Holy Ghost it is almost impossible for us to convince the world of sin, of righteousness, and the judgment.

William James Roop, M.A.B.S.

 Roop-Crappell Ministries 

 Hospice Volunteer Stories 

 Apostolic Theological Seminary 

Thursday, May 13, 2021

A Portuguese Minister Receives His Pentecost

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

This is a story recorded by William J. Seymour in his book called, "The Azusa Street Papers, in 1906.

Rev. Adolph Rosa, a Portuguese brother from Cape Verde Islands, was baptized with the Holy Ghost in Oakland and is now in Los Angeles preaching the full Gospel.  He was a Catholic and his father had expected to have him educated as a Catholic priest; but God had His hand upon him.  He came to America, was converted from the power of Romanism and captivity about six years ago in a Portuguese Methodist Church in New Bedford Massachusetts, and enter the ministry of the Methodist Church as a missionary to the Portuguese in the state of California. He was sanctified about 4 years ago, And is now conducting Pentecostal meetings in the People's Church in Los Angeles.

William James Roop, M.A.B.S.

 Roop-Crappell Ministries 

 Hospice Volunteer Stories 

 Apostolic Theological Seminary 

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Fire Still Falling

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

This was written by William J Seymour in his book called, "The Azusa Street Papers," in October, 1906, in Los Angeles, California.

The waves of Pentecostal salvation are still rolling in at Azusa Street Mission.  From morning till late at night the meetings continue with about three altar services a day. We have made no record of souls saved, sanctified and baptized with the Holy Ghost, but a brother said last week he counted about fifty in all that had been baptized with the Holy Ghost during the week.  Then at eighth Street and Maple Avenue, The People's Church, Monrovia, Whittier, Hermon, Sawtelle, Pasadena, Elysian Heights, And other places the work is going on and souls are coming through amid great rejoicing.

Four of the holiness preachers have received the baptism with the Holy Ghost, One of them, Brother William Pendleton, with his congregation being turned out of the church, Is holding meetings at eighth Street and Maple Avenue. There is a heavily atmosphere there. The altar is filled with seekers; people are slain under the power of God, and rising in a life baptized with the Holy Ghost.

Her fire is spreading.  People are writing from different points to know about this Pentecost, In our beginning to wait on God for their Pentecost. He has no respect or a person's and places. We expect to see a way of salvation go over this world.  Well this work has been going on for five years,. What has burst out in great power on this coast.  There is power in the full Gospel.  Nothing can quench it.

Missionaries for the foreign fields, equipped with several languages, are now on the way and others are only waiting for the way to open and for the Lord to say: "Go." We are on our faces before God.  Let a volume of prayer go up from all the Lord's people. Awake!  Awake!  There is the time to dress and be ready, for the cry will soon go forth. "The Bridegroom cometh."

Eight missionaries have started to the foreign field since this movement began in Los Angeles a few months ago.  About thirty workers have gone out into the field.

The brother at Elysian Heights who has received his eyesight after being blind for a year and a half, was a living witness of the power of God. Since that he has been sanctified and anointed with the Holy Ghost and his wife has been saved.

In the City of Oakland, during the 5 weeks but the band from Los Angeles was there, Brother and Sister Evans and Sister Florence Crawford, sixty-five souls received the baptism with the Holy Ghost, thirty we're sanctified in nineteen converted.

A man who was twice in the insane asylum, an infidel then has been going from place to place denying the name of Jesus Christ, Is now safe, sanctified and baptized with the Holy Ghost, and working to win others.

Sometimes, among officers of the law, we find a King judgment in regard to genuine or spurious religion. In Pasadena, where the Lord was working in power some months ago, The chief of police made the remark: "I would not give much for a meeting that did not have a shout in it."

Sister Lizzie Frazer of Colorado Springs, Colorado, was one of those who received a gift of tongues when the Palestine missionary band passed through there. She writes that she expects to go to India with a band of missionaries next month. The Lord has given her a wonderful equipment.

Mrs. J. King was healed with cancer of the lungs on August 8, after the doctors had given her up.  What long was entirely closed up. When she was prayed for, The Lord immediately touched her body and healed her. She shot it for an hour with strong lungs, And is the happiest woman you ever saw.

A mother brought her son to the mission to be healed of epileptic fits. He was about twenty-one years old and has been suffering for years, like the boy that was brought to Jesus whom the devil had often caused to fall into the fire and into the water. The boy was so wrecked in mind and body that he was in a semi-conscious condition.  Brother Batman, who is called to Africa, prayed for him, asking the Lord to cast a demon power out of him and give complete healing. The boy rose up from the floor and witnessed that the work was done and went home rejoicing.

My brother living in the east had been down sick for quite a while and sent a handkerchief to be blessed as in Bible times.  His sister brought it to the Mission, praying for the Lord to show her to who she was to give it, And the Lord showed her to give it to Sister Sallie Trainor.  She immediately took it upstairs and she knelt before the Lord, The Spirit came upon her and great power as she prayed in tongues, And kissed the handkerchief three times, as the Spirit seemed to lead her. It was sent with a prayer and the brother was immediately healed.

William James Roop, M.A.B.S.

 Roop-Crappell Ministries 

 Hospice Volunteer Stories 

 Apostolic Theological Seminary 

Saturday, May 8, 2021

Missionaries To Jerusalem

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

This was a testimony given to, and recorded in the Azusa Street Mission newsletter in 1906, in Los Angeles, California.

A band of three missionaries, Bro. Andrew Johnson and Sisters Louisa Condit and Lucy M. Leatherman, who have been baptized with the Holy Ghost and received the gift of languages, have left for Jerusalem, going by way of Oakland, leaving there August 10th. Reports came of meetings on the way that four souls receive the Pentecost in Colorado Springs and three in Denver.  Brother Johnson has received seven different languages, One of which is the Arabic.

  Sister Leatherman speaks the Turkish language, And while in Oakland, some were talking on the street about the gift of tongues; Sister Leatherman began to speak just as a man wearing the Turkish fez came by. He listened and wonder and asked what college she had attended, saying she spoke the most perfect Turkish tongue he had ever heard spoken by foreigner.  He was an educated man from a Turkish college in Constantinople.  She told him the Holy Ghost gave her the language which she did not understand herself and he was the first person that had interpreted for her.

William James Roop, M.A.B.S.

 Roop-Crappell Ministries 

 Hospice Volunteer Stories 

 The Trucking Tango 

 Apostolic Theological Seminary