Hello everyone. Praise the Lord!
This is a testimony of Mrs. May Evans, of her healing, and published in the newsletter of the Azusa Street Mission, in Los Angeles, California, in 1906.
Thirteen years ago, I was brought into the light of Divine healing, through the Word of God. I had never heard any teaching from man. But I had been for a long time very greatly afflicted and body. I had taken physicians and medicine until I became discouraged and continued to grow worse, till I decided to drop every remedy and take the Lord for my healer.
To this my people would not give consent. They thought I was losing my mind. One morning, through a nurse, I was chloroformed and taken out of my home to the hospital where they performed an operation. After the physicians had cut and slashed, and found that the seat of the trouble, was deeper than they anticipated, they lost courage and said it was impossible for me to recover.
It was only a question of a few hours that I could possibly live. My husband was away in God's work at the time, and my people became alarmed, and realized what they had done, and decided to take me back to my home to die. But, praise God, He had another plan in store for me.
I did not regain consciousness for many hours, I opened my eyes in my own room, and heard them praying around my bed. Then I realized my dreadful situation and in the most excruciating agony, I lifted my eyes to heaven and saw a light streaming down upon me. And in a moment, I heard the voice of Jesus telling me to trust Him, that he was my healer.
I said, "yes, Lord, I do trust thee and will trust thee, for thou hast healed me and healed me now." Then there was a wonderful joy that came into my very being, and I felt the Spirit and the healing power of Christ permeating my whole being, praise God. In three days time I was up and around my room, and in less than a week I was able to walk a mile. Never from that time have I doubted the healing power of Jesus. Since then, for thirteen years I have been in the Lord's work.
Well I wish to relate another instance of His healing power. While in Oakland, California, during last August, through an accident, God permitted the old trouble to come back, and from Saturday evening until Tuesday noon I suffered intensely. At noon time, we always held our workers' class there, and it was during the saints' meeting, I had a wonderful spirit of prayer, and I tried to say, "Jesus is here," and found I had no utterance, but he was present in my soul. The spirit of prayer continued on me until 2:30. Where the Lord permitted me to raise my eyes, I saw a vision of beautiful, rolling clouds, and Jesus suspended in the midst, and just then I realized that He was there for my healing.

Sister Crawford and Sister Junk who were with me also saw Jesus, and God revealed to them he had come to heal me. I felt the healing work of Jesus. Many of you loved ones have seen the mason lift up his trowel the mortar, and throw it up on the wall that he was building, and just so it seemed to me that the Great Physician was rebuilding the temple of my body.
O Hallelujah! Praise His name. O, I know that He is the only physician that can heal all our diseases. All the afternoon and evening, no matter which way I turned, the form of my Savior was suspended in front of me, and I wish ever to behold the smile of this countenance as I saw him on that day. My healing was instantaneous, and today I rejoice in a perfect body.
Signed, Mrs. May Evans.
William James Roop, M.A.B.S.
Roop-Crappell Ministries
Hospice Volunteer Stories
The Trucking Tango
Apostolic Theological Seminary