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Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Fire Still Falling

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

This was written by William J Seymour in his book called, "The Azusa Street Papers," in October, 1906, in Los Angeles, California.

The waves of Pentecostal salvation are still rolling in at Azusa Street Mission.  From morning till late at night the meetings continue with about three altar services a day. We have made no record of souls saved, sanctified and baptized with the Holy Ghost, but a brother said last week he counted about fifty in all that had been baptized with the Holy Ghost during the week.  Then at eighth Street and Maple Avenue, The People's Church, Monrovia, Whittier, Hermon, Sawtelle, Pasadena, Elysian Heights, And other places the work is going on and souls are coming through amid great rejoicing.

Four of the holiness preachers have received the baptism with the Holy Ghost, One of them, Brother William Pendleton, with his congregation being turned out of the church, Is holding meetings at eighth Street and Maple Avenue. There is a heavily atmosphere there. The altar is filled with seekers; people are slain under the power of God, and rising in a life baptized with the Holy Ghost.

Her fire is spreading.  People are writing from different points to know about this Pentecost, In our beginning to wait on God for their Pentecost. He has no respect or a person's and places. We expect to see a way of salvation go over this world.  Well this work has been going on for five years,. What has burst out in great power on this coast.  There is power in the full Gospel.  Nothing can quench it.

Missionaries for the foreign fields, equipped with several languages, are now on the way and others are only waiting for the way to open and for the Lord to say: "Go." We are on our faces before God.  Let a volume of prayer go up from all the Lord's people. Awake!  Awake!  There is the time to dress and be ready, for the cry will soon go forth. "The Bridegroom cometh."

Eight missionaries have started to the foreign field since this movement began in Los Angeles a few months ago.  About thirty workers have gone out into the field.

The brother at Elysian Heights who has received his eyesight after being blind for a year and a half, was a living witness of the power of God. Since that he has been sanctified and anointed with the Holy Ghost and his wife has been saved.

In the City of Oakland, during the 5 weeks but the band from Los Angeles was there, Brother and Sister Evans and Sister Florence Crawford, sixty-five souls received the baptism with the Holy Ghost, thirty we're sanctified in nineteen converted.

A man who was twice in the insane asylum, an infidel then has been going from place to place denying the name of Jesus Christ, Is now safe, sanctified and baptized with the Holy Ghost, and working to win others.

Sometimes, among officers of the law, we find a King judgment in regard to genuine or spurious religion. In Pasadena, where the Lord was working in power some months ago, The chief of police made the remark: "I would not give much for a meeting that did not have a shout in it."

Sister Lizzie Frazer of Colorado Springs, Colorado, was one of those who received a gift of tongues when the Palestine missionary band passed through there. She writes that she expects to go to India with a band of missionaries next month. The Lord has given her a wonderful equipment.

Mrs. J. King was healed with cancer of the lungs on August 8, after the doctors had given her up.  What long was entirely closed up. When she was prayed for, The Lord immediately touched her body and healed her. She shot it for an hour with strong lungs, And is the happiest woman you ever saw.

A mother brought her son to the mission to be healed of epileptic fits. He was about twenty-one years old and has been suffering for years, like the boy that was brought to Jesus whom the devil had often caused to fall into the fire and into the water. The boy was so wrecked in mind and body that he was in a semi-conscious condition.  Brother Batman, who is called to Africa, prayed for him, asking the Lord to cast a demon power out of him and give complete healing. The boy rose up from the floor and witnessed that the work was done and went home rejoicing.

My brother living in the east had been down sick for quite a while and sent a handkerchief to be blessed as in Bible times.  His sister brought it to the Mission, praying for the Lord to show her to who she was to give it, And the Lord showed her to give it to Sister Sallie Trainor.  She immediately took it upstairs and she knelt before the Lord, The Spirit came upon her and great power as she prayed in tongues, And kissed the handkerchief three times, as the Spirit seemed to lead her. It was sent with a prayer and the brother was immediately healed.

William James Roop, M.A.B.S.

 Roop-Crappell Ministries 

 Hospice Volunteer Stories 

 Apostolic Theological Seminary 

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