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Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Sister Hutchins' Testimony

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

This is a testimony of Mrs. J.W. Hutchins who received her salvation and became a missionary to Africa.  The story was recorded by William J Seymour in his book called, "The Azusa Street Papers," in 1906.

I was justified on the 4th of July, 1901, and at that time, I felt that the Lord wanted me in Africa, but I was not then at all willing to go. But on the 28th of July, 1903, The Lord sanctified me.  Before He sanctified me, He asked me if I would go to Africa. I promised Him I would. From that time on, I have felt the call to Africa, and have been willing to go at any moment, but not knowing just when the Lord would have me leave.

On the sixth of last month, while out in my backyard one afternoon, I heard a voice speaking to me these words: "on the 15th day of September, take your husband and baby and start out for Africa." And I looked around and about me to see if there was not someone speaking to me, but I did not see anyone, And I soon recognize that it was the voice of God.  I looked up into the heavens and said: "Lord, I will obey." Since then I have many tests and temptations from the devil.  He has at times told me that I would not even live to see the 15th of September, but I never once doubted God.  I knew that he was able to bring everything to pass that he told me to do.

After hearing the voice telling me to leave Los Angeles on the 15th, I went to one of my neighbors and testified to her that the Lord had told me to leave for Africa on the 15th of September.  She looked at me with a smile.  I asked her what she was smiling about.  She said: "because you have not got street car fair to go to the street mission tonight, And talking about going to Africa." But I told her I was trusting in a God that could bring all things the past that he wanted us to do.  He is really supplied all my needs in every way, for the work where he has called me.

I want to testify also about my husband.  He was a backslider, And how the devil did test me, saying: "You are going out to cast the devil out of others, And going to take a devil with you." My husband was not saved, but I held on to God and said: "Lord, I will obey."

I continued to testify and to make preparations to leave on the 15th. The Lord reclaimed my husband and sanctified him wholly and put the glory and shout in him.  So now it is my time to laugh.  The devil has oppressed and mocked me; but praise the Lord, Now I can mock him. Glory to God!

It is now ten minutes to four o'clock in the afternoon on the 15th day of September. I am already and down to the mission with my ticket and everything prepared, waiting to have hands laid on and the prayers of the saints, and expect to leave at eight o'clock from the Santa Fe station in route for Africa.  We expect to go to Mt. Coffee, Monrovia, Liberia.

Feeling the need for a real companion in the gospel that was out and out for God, I pray to God that He might give me one to go with me. I had my eyes upon one that I wanted to go, but in prayer and humility before God, I found out it was not the one the Lord wanted to go. So I said: "Anyone, Lord, that you would have to go will be pleasing to me." And, To my surprise, He gave me my niece-a girl that I had raised from a child.  Now she is nineteen years of age, is saved, sanctified and baptized with the Holy Ghost, and is going with me out into the work of the Lord.  So instead of giving me one companion, He gave me two-My niece and my husband.

Our first stop will be in Chattanooga Tennessee, Harge Row.  I want the prayers of the saints that I may stay humble.

Mrs. J. W. Hutchins

William James Roop, M.A.B.S.

 Roop-Crappell Ministries 

 Hospice Volunteer Stories 

 Apostolic Theological Seminary 

 The Trucking Tango 

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