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Sunday, May 23, 2021

The Second Chapter Of Acts

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

This is a story told by William J Seymour, of a testimony written to him and used in his book called, "The Azusa Street Papers," published in 1906.

A preacher's wife, who at first opposed Pentecostal truth, went home and read the second chapter of Acts, And while she read, the Spirit fell upon her and she began to speak in tongues.  She is a member of the Nazarene Church in Vernon, California.  As she was on the way to the church she met a brother whom she had been instrumental in leading to the Lord.  He is a foreigner and as soon as she saw him, she began to pour out her soul in French.  He was amazed and said: "When did you learn French?"

"What did I say?" She asked.

"You said: "Get ready!  Get ready! Jesus is coming soon!"

She went on up to the church, And as they were giving out the Sunday school leaflets she began to speak in tongues again and spoke for some time. They could only listen to this manifestation of the power of God.

William James Roop, M.A.B.S.

 Roop-Crappell Ministries 

 Hospice Volunteer Stories 

 The Trucking Tango 

 Apostolic Theological Seminary 

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