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Showing posts with label boiling blood. Show all posts
Showing posts with label boiling blood. Show all posts

Saturday, October 2, 2021

A Visit To Hell

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

I was traveling for work, when I meet a co-worker in Waller Texas. We worked together for a few years, but we both worked for different companies. We both met again while we were pumping fuel next to each other.

You start telling me a lot of different spiritual experiences he was having throughout his life. It started when he was praying whether or not I changed jobs. You said that God told him to, "stay where you're at."

After a few different stories you told me about a man in England named Tandell. You said that twenty years prior he had raped and murdered a woman from Thailand in London England. He says for so long he would never be caught. But after twenty years he had a major heart attack and his heart stopped!

Who was rushed to the hospital while the paramedics tried to work on him. This man said that he was looking down on his body when they are paramedics arrived. We then start walking away with a very thick, black cloud, chasing after him. He would say later the thick, black cloud, was time closing in on him!

He was running from the thick, black cloud, when it came to three tunnels. He said the tunnels were his three big mistakes in life. He chose to go down one of the tunnels. He was running down the tunnel with darkness closing in on him. I came out of the tunnel and started walking on a rope bridge. Who wrote bridge spanned a lake of boiling blood!

When he got to the other side, demons that resembled frogs standing upright, jumped on him and started stabbing him and beating him over and over again! They kept killing him over and over again but he would not die! This went on over and over again until he woke up in the hospital! He woke up screaming for help!

The doctors revived his heart by shocking his chest. That's what brought this man alive again, and back from the dead!  This man knew immediately when he was revived, that he was being punished for the murder that he committed twenty years ago!  

He know that the doctors and nurses to call the police immediately. He was a murderer that he wanted to confess his crimes! The medical staff was confused, but they called the police anyway. Two detectives arrived and he confessed to the murder and everything else that he was guilty of. He confessed to all his crimes to the place but especially to the murder of the woman.

The courts pronounce him guilty and gave him a life sentence in prison. This man spent the remaining years of his life in prison reading the Bible. That's how he died years later, It is prison cell reading his Bible!

William James Roop, M.A.B.S.

 Roop-Crappell Ministries 

 Hospice Care and Dying 

 The Trucking Tango 

 Apostolic Theological Seminary