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Sunday, November 12, 2023

Baptism In The Name Of Jesus

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

Here is an article from an unknown author that I wanted to share.

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To all ministers, saints, Christian’s, and aspiring Christian’s of all religions and denominations. There are many reasons the Apostolic church baptizes in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. 
We have all learned the Word of God through the discipline of study and revelation by God. No one living today or in any generation to come will add to the Word of God. It is written, and it is complete, and it is more than sufficient to save us and the world. 

The 63 books of the Bible contain recorded history of people and events. Some writers recorded events passed down by written records and even oral tradition. 

Every New Testament book, from Romans' to Revelation was inspired writing from a reed pen or quill pen onto papyrus or parchment. These were all letters inspired by God and written by man. 

However, the book of Acts is unlike those letters written to individuals or churches. Paul wrote the book of Romans as he was inspired by the Holy Ghost. Luke when writing the book of Acts didn’t write down what he thought. He wrote down what he saw and heard.

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When Peter spoke up on the day of Pentecost, after those present ask all of the Apostles what they should do. Peter lifted up his voice. 

Please understand he didn’t have a bible to consult. He didn’t ask those present to turn to Acts and read along. He spoke as the Holy Ghost moved on Him, a short seven days after Jesus ascended. 

He said “Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.” Acts‬ ‭2:38‬ 

He didn’t read the book of Romans to come to that conclusion. He didn’t read the book of Matthew or any Old Testament book. He preached the message of Pentecost after the Holy Ghost fell. 

He spoke as he was inspired by God to speak. Romans wouldn’t be written for another 30 years. Nothing written later would contradict what Peter preached, it only affirms what he preached. 

Peter preached and Luke recorded what he preached. Nothing that would be written later had the authority to contradict anything Peter preached. And nothing did. What would be written later only affirmed and confirmed Peter’s message. 

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Peter couldn’t have confused anything written in Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Romans or more because these books were not yet written. 

Peter preached that day as the Holy Ghost inspired him to. Every Word written after that could only confirm those words preached by Peter, and confirm they do. 

When you baptize someone in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, you are repeating what Jesus said instead of obeying what He said. 

When you baptize in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ you can fulfill Matthew 28:19. If you baptize in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost you leave Acts 2:38 unfulfilled. 

Peter didn’t know anything about do all in the name of the Lord Jesus because Colossians would not be written until 60 AD or later. 

In short, nothing written in the New Testament contradicts what Peter preached on the day of Pentecost.

William James Roop

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