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Thursday, November 2, 2023

Church Hurts

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

Here is an article from an unknown author I would like to share.

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The church is perfect. The people in it are not. 
The church is Holy. Sometimes we are not.
The church is Christian. Sometimes we are not.
The church can’t hurt you. It can only help you…

Someone “in” the church may have hurt you, but that wasn’t the church. We may be less than Holy, and less than Christian, but the Church is calling us to be Holy and Christian. While we fall short, the church does not. The church is glorious, illustrious, honorable, and free from sin. The church is without spot or wrinkle, but the people in the church need their spots and wrinkles removed again and again. Don’t hold the church to a standard, the church is the standard. We all fall short of what God wants the church to be, it’s why we keep attending. The church is always calling us higher. The church never failed you, although someone in the church may have. The church is a place of perfection filled with imperfect people. Go again!

Go again. Worship again. Give again. Believe again. Forgive again!

William James Roop

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