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Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Things To Know About Your Pastor

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

Here is an article from an unknown author that I wanted to share.

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1. He loves God and you a lot. 
(Be mindful.)

2. He is a painfully limited human being. 
(Be realistic.)

3. He probably has a pretty low view of his “performance”. 
(Be kind.)

4. He wishes he were a better preacher. 
(Be awake.)

5. He really does want God’s best for you and your family. 
(Be open-hearted.)

6. His work knows no time or locational boundaries. 
(Be patient.)

7. He hears much more negative information than positive. 
(Be encouraging.)

8. He has chosen a vocation in which few remain. 
(Be praying.)

9. He has chosen a highly leadership-intensive call. 
(Be lead-able.)

10. He needs help. 
(Be available.)

11. His God-given vision is bigger than himself and the church. 
(Be faith-filled.)

12. He wants to personally meet all the needs, but knows he can’t. 
(Be understanding.)

13. He’s going to say some dumb things every now and then. 
(Be forgiving.)

14. His family is patient with you, so be patient with them. 
(Be conscientious.)

15. He is greatly encouraged by your faithfulness. 
(Be there.)

16. He is passionate for God’s Word to be made practical to you. 
(Be hungry.)

17. He longs for church to be your spiritual oasis. 
(Be loving.)

18. He dreams for your and your family’s spiritual health. 
(Be receptive.)

19. He needs to hear that you prayed for him. 
(Be interceding.)

20. He’s just a regular guy. 
(Be real.)

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William James Roop

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