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Saturday, June 24, 2023

In Hell

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

Here is the reality of those in hell, blessings.

- Prayerless people pray everyday.
- Unrepentant people repent everyday.
- Rich people cannot afford any water.
- Proud and stubborn people humble themselves everyday.
- Jokers become very serious.
- Those who reject the word of God become the earnest seekers of the word.
- Those who don't like to fast do it everyday. They fast everyday in hell.
- Those who wear worldly and sophisticated clothes are totally naked everyday.
- Master and servant, Mistress and maidservant, Rich and poor, Old and young, Educated and illiterate, become equal.
- Those who refuse to obey God while on earth have no choice than to obey demons in hell.
- Those who are enemies on earth are neighbours in hell.

Don't wait until you get to hell before you do the right thing. Do it now while you are still on earth.

Roman's 10:9; If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus and shall believe in thine heart that God hath raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.

Acts 2:38 
Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.

Pray this way:Lord Jesus, I am sorry for my sinful lifestyle. I believe in you. I believe you are the Son of God. The very God who manifest himself in the flesh. I believe that in your human nature you died for me. Wash me with your blood and make me a new creature in you. Thank you, Lord. Give me the gift of the Holy Spirit and grace to live a holy and righteous life till you come. In Jesus name. Amen. 

Now, find a church that baptizes believers in the Name of Jesus Christ, the name given among men whereby we must be save (Acts 4:12).

There is no air in hell, because God is the breath of Life.
There is no peace in hell, because God is the Prince of Peace.
There is no comfort in hell, because God is the comforter.
There is no love in hell, because God is Love.
Hell is darkness, because God in the Light.


William James Roop

Thursday, June 22, 2023

Strongholds vs Demons

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

Here is something that I found on the Net, blessings.


1. The word stronghold appears only once in the New Testament.
2. A stronghold is a fortress of lies that the enemy builds in your mind and emotions.
3. A stronghold is how the demon stays in, while an open door is how the demon gets in.
4. Strongholds are cast down, while demons must be cast out.
5. Strongholds are broken over time, while demons are cast out quickly.
6. The truth breaks strongholds, while the Name of Jesus casts out demons.

William James Roop, M.A.B.S.

Tuesday, June 6, 2023

A Little Bit About Jesus

 Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

Here is a little about Jesus Christ.  The Lord of lords and the King of kings.

Jesus was prophesied for thousands of years more than anyone else.  The Bible is about Jesus.

He was born in a manger and poor.  He can relate to poor people.

Jesus was born with sheep because He is the good shepherd.  Sheep may be dumb, but they knew a good shepherd when they saw one.

Jesus was born poor in a barn, but kings came to give Him gifts.

Jesus was born in Israel, but kings traveled hundreds of miles by foot to gift Him.

Other kings tried to kill Him, but God took care of Him.

As a baby He lived in Egypt, but the world could not affect Him.

He moved to Nazareth to fulfill prophecy.

At 12 years old He instructed priests in the Temple.

He honored His mother and father.  He created wine from water because His mother asked.

William James Roop

Roop-Crappell Ministries

Hospice Care and Dying

The Trucking Tango

Sunday, June 4, 2023

Keep Hanging Around Jesus

 Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

This message comes from a preacher that I listened to recently.  I don't know where he had received it from, but I wanted to share it with you.

Matthias was there from the beginning.  He saw it all, and followed close.

He wasn't chosen in the beginning ... but he never walked away.

He wasn't chosen in the beginning ... but he didn't get bitter.

He wasn't chosen in the beginning ... but he didn't sulk or seek promotion.

He wasn't chosen from the beginning ... but he chose Jesus over title.

He wasn't chosen from the beginning ... but he chose relationship over position.

He was the guy that just kept hanging around, refusing to be offended.

But, Jesus knew who he was, and had plans, and a place for him.

When Peter brought about his selection in Acts 1 to fill the empty position vacated by Judas, Jesus had already chosen him...

For 1 Corinthians 15:5 tells us that after His resurrection, Jesus was seen of Peter, then of the twelve. That means to me that Jesus was already including him.  He was that guy that just kept hanging around!

Don't ever quit, don't ever be offended, don't ever get bitter...

You may not have been chosen in the beginning, but the 11th hour workers were just as valuable as those chosen in the beginning.  The harvest would not have been brought in without them!

William James Roop

Hospice Care and Dying

The Trucking Tango

Brother Roop teaches the Bible

Friday, June 2, 2023

Pushing Death Away

 Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

Pushing Death Away 


I was at a warehouse for my work, and I started talking with a guy there.  He had asked me if I had ever seen a ghost. I told him I'd have been a hospice volunteer for twelve years, and have seen one, and been with others who have seen them.

He told me several ghost stories that he was told about his family.  One was about his uncle who was dying of cancer.  This took place years ago while they were still in Mexico City.

Juan’s uncle was sick with cancer and was bedridden for many months while he was struggling with the disease.  One day he and his aunt were walking into the room, and they saw his uncle pawing in the air with both hands!  Kind of like a cat pawing at something.

His wife asked him what he was doing pawing in the air like that?  He replied that there’s a young woman here to take me away to death!  And I am not ready to go!  His wife asked him who was the young woman. He said that he did not know who she was, but she was trying to grab his arm to take him to death!

As she reached for his arm he would try to push her away.  Because she did not exist in the physical world, it looked like he was just pawing in the air!  Juan said that his uncle died a week later!

Our discussion then turned to people not dying alone, and actually having some type of spiritual guide that takes you away into the next life.  I informed him that as a hospice volunteer for the last twelve years many of my patients would have spiritual people come and visit with them before their death.  That gave him a lot of reassurance. [1]



[1] A story shared with me by an acquaintance.