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Showing posts with label Mexico City. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mexico City. Show all posts

Friday, June 2, 2023

Pushing Death Away

 Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

Pushing Death Away 


I was at a warehouse for my work, and I started talking with a guy there.  He had asked me if I had ever seen a ghost. I told him I'd have been a hospice volunteer for twelve years, and have seen one, and been with others who have seen them.

He told me several ghost stories that he was told about his family.  One was about his uncle who was dying of cancer.  This took place years ago while they were still in Mexico City.

Juan’s uncle was sick with cancer and was bedridden for many months while he was struggling with the disease.  One day he and his aunt were walking into the room, and they saw his uncle pawing in the air with both hands!  Kind of like a cat pawing at something.

His wife asked him what he was doing pawing in the air like that?  He replied that there’s a young woman here to take me away to death!  And I am not ready to go!  His wife asked him who was the young woman. He said that he did not know who she was, but she was trying to grab his arm to take him to death!

As she reached for his arm he would try to push her away.  Because she did not exist in the physical world, it looked like he was just pawing in the air!  Juan said that his uncle died a week later!

Our discussion then turned to people not dying alone, and actually having some type of spiritual guide that takes you away into the next life.  I informed him that as a hospice volunteer for the last twelve years many of my patients would have spiritual people come and visit with them before their death.  That gave him a lot of reassurance. [1]



[1] A story shared with me by an acquaintance.

Thursday, May 25, 2023

My Father is back!

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord! 

My Father is back!

I had a new trainee today. He is a short little Hispanic man. His name is Juan Alegria. Alegria is the Spanish word for "happy." Then he was true to his name. He was happy all the time!  But after asking if I believed in ghosts, and saying that he did indeed,  he told me his ghost story. 

His father had passed away about a month before, Juan flew back to his father’s house in Mexico City for the funeral.  That’s when his father appeared to him!

Juan said he was standing over the commode urinating when he noticed something at the corner of his eyes!  He looked to the left and saw his father standing there!  His father was just standing there looking at him! He was shocked and afraid because his father’s been dead and buried for a month!

He finished his business and then walked away for a few minutes to collect his thoughts.  A short time later, he walked back into the bathroom and his father was still there!  His father didn’t say anything, he just stood there and looked at him!

Juan was scared and didn’t know what to think about the situation.  So he decided to leave the house.  It was a very beautiful and large house in Mexico City.  His father was middle-class and was very proud of the home that he had built.

We discussed afterwards that perhaps his father’s spirit was stuck in the house, because his emotions were so attached to it.  His father also owned two shoe stores and a bakery, and was very proud of his success.  Whether or not that it could be a  true phenomenon  is unknown.  But it does kind of make a little sense.[1] 

 William James Roop

Roop-Crappell Ministries

Hospice Care and Dying

The Trucking Tango





[1] A story that was shared with me.