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Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Arrested For Jesus' Sake

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

This was a story as recorded by William J. Seymour in his book called, "The Azusa Street Papers," printed in 1906.

A brother who has been baptized with the Holy Ghost was arrested on account of the disturbance which the preaching of the gospel created among the people who crowded about the tent in Pasadena. Has he stood to answer the accusation of disturbing the peace, another brother says he saw an angel standing by his side.  He was released.  The Lord has been doing great things in that place and we expect greater things.

Some workers were preaching on the street corner in Los Angeles and a poor drunkard had just been saved, when a policeman came up and ordered them to stop, it took two of them off to jail. The sister saying all the way to the jail and shouted and prayed while they were there.  They soon were anxious to get rid of them and let them go.  Meantime the other workers return to the mission and told how the workers had been arrested and they all went to the altar and prayed and arose praising God; And soon and walked the ones who had been arrested.  We are ready not only to go to prison, but to give our lives for Jesus.

Brother Roop

 Roop-Crappell Ministries 

 Hospice Volunteer Stories 

 Apostolic Theological Seminary 

A Message Concerning His Coming

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

This story was taken from the Azusa Street Mission newsletter, published a 1906, by William J Seymour in Los Angeles, California.

A young sister, Miss Lillian Keyes, daughter of Dr. Keyes, of this city, speaks and sings in tongues as the Spirit gives utterance. She also interprets, And the following interpretation was also corroborated by Sister S.K. Mead, twenty years a missionary in Africa. Sister Mead arose and said that the language spoken was their dialect in Africa, a beautiful language, but one that is very difficult for English-speaking people to acquire, but the Holy Ghost, through the young lady, had given the perfect accent. The message interpreted was as follows:

"Jesus is coming again, Coming again so soon, And we shall meet him then."

"Prepare your hearts now, For the Lord is coming soon, And you know not the hour. If you are not prepared, You will not go with Jesus. He sees each heart, And wants to prepare them for his coming. Seek Him now, for some day it will be too late."

"The Lord says: 'I will bless those that seek me with all their hearts, For God is no respecter of persons. The Love of God is so great.' He says. 'Come on to me; come on to me, And I will give you rest. I will baptize you with the Holy Ghost and with fire, And all those that seek me diligently.'"

"O, Jesus is such a wonderful Savior. He is coming soon and all must have their hearts ready.  O, Jesus is so sweet. He says: 'Watch and be ready when I come.' O, He is coming so soon."

Our sister also speaks to Chinese dialects.  She speaks to the Chinese as she passes them on the street, or as they come to the house, And they listen in astonishment and say she is telling them about God.

William James Roop, M.A.B.S.

 Roop-Crappell Ministries 

 Hospice Volunteer Stories 

 The Trucking Tango 

 Apostolic Theological Seminary 

Sunday, May 2, 2021

Divinely Healed

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

This is a story as reported by William J. Seymour and his book called, "The Azusa Street Papers," published in 1906.

Brother J. A. Warren of Houston, Texas, relates his experience as follows: "I had suffered two years from chills and fever and could never get rid of them. I was down with them, when it was told to me that the Lord would heal us and wanted to do it without the help of medicine, so I made up my mind that I would not have another chill; that the Lord would heal me. My chill was to come on about seven o'clock in the morning. It started to come and I was about to call my people to put more cover over me, when I thought how I had taken the Lord for my healer. So I got up and dressed and would not let the devil bring a chill on me, but prepared for breakfast. When the ice wagon came along and my little grandchild called my attention to it, I started to say, "No, I will not take ice for this is my chill day." (I was in the habit of taking ice only on the day I had fever). Then I stopped myself and said, "Yes, I will take ice," And I drank ice water all day. I was healed and in two months had gained about twenty-five pounds in flesh."

Brother Roop

 Roop-Crappell Ministries 

 Hospice Volunteer Stories 

 Apostolic Theological Seminary 

Friday, April 30, 2021

Russians Hear In Their Own Tongue

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

This is a story that's told by William J. Seymour in his book called, "The Azusa Street Papers," published in 1906.

Different nationalities are now hearing the Gospel in their own "tongue wherein they were born." Sister Anna Hall spoke to the Russians in their church in Los Angeles, in their own language as the Spirit gave utterance. They were so glad to hear the truth that they wept and even kissed her hands. They are a very simple, pure, and hungry people for the full Gospel. The other night, as a company of Russians were present in the meeting, One of the Russians came up and embraced him. It was a holy sight, and the Spirit fell upon the Russians, as well as on others, as they glorified God.

Brother Roop

 Roop-Crappell Ministries 

 Hospice Volunteer Stories 

 Apostolic Theological Seminary 

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Pentecostal Fire

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

This a story about the move of God in Southern California, in 1906, as told by William J. Seymour in his book, "The Azusa Street Papers."

Monrovia, Pasadena, San Pedro, Sawtelle, and Whittier are places about Los Angeles that are catching the Pentecostal fire. Elysian Heights and Hermon, suburbs of Los Angeles have cottage prayer meetings where souls are being baptized with the Holy Ghost. To holiness churches, One in Los Angeles and one in Monrovia have cut the fire, The ministers and numbers of the congregation having received the Pentecost and are speaking with tongues. The Burning Bush workers in Los Angeles came into the movement in a body and numbers of the different missions and the New Testament and Nazarene people are being filled with the Spirit and carrying the blessed light to other hungry souls. It is not our desire to tear down churches but to make new churches out of the old ones. We pray for God to send the Pentecost to every church.

Brother Roop

 Roop-Crappell Ministries 

 Hospice Volunteer Stories 

 Apostolic Theological Seminary 

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Jesus Is Coming

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

The story was taken from the book called, "The Azusa Street Papers," by William J. Seymour in 1906.

Sister Anna Hall, who came here from Houston, Texas, In response to the call of God, is now assisting in Los Angeles.  The Lord let her into the Pentecostal baptism and gift of tongues without her hearing the truth except from the Word.  She related the following wonderful vision and revelation.

A few weeks ago, as we were in our camp meeting, The first night we called our altar service there were a hundred at the outer seeking God,. And a strange power came into my being that I had felt once before when God wanted to reveal something to me.  I have learned that it pays to be quiet before the Lord. I went home to my daughter's house and prepared for bed.  Just as the gray dog began to appear, I waked as if someone had touched my shoulder, and felt the same power.  I heard the beautiful warbling of a bird, And thought it was a mockingbird which one might hear there. But no, it seemed a way down in my soul.  And as that beautiful bird began to sing, I saw a little infant face right before my eyes.  It has the song of the bird began to ripple, it began to sound like water running over pebbles.  It increased till it sounded like many waters, and the face enlarged till it was a full-grown face.  I said, "surely this is a messenger from the Holy country.". The voice answered, "Yes and I have come to tell you that Jesus is coming.  Go forward in my name, preach the Gospel of the kingdom, for the king's business demands haste.  My people have only time to get on the beautiful garments, and prepare for the wedding supper in the Heavens.". Dear ones, have you got on the beautiful robes of righteousness?  I said, "Lord, reveal unto me what this means, the singing of the bird and rippling of the waters.". And God spoke to me, "The singing of the beautiful bird and the baby face was the proclamation of the first coming into the world; then the voice of many waters is a proclamation of Jesus Christ that is soon coming."

Repent and believe the Gospel, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.

William James Roop, MABS

 My website 

 My hospice blog 

 Apostolic Theological Seminary 

Monday, April 19, 2021

The Spirit Follows The Blood

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

This is a story written by William J. Seymour in his book called,  "The Azusa Street Papers," written in 1906.

Jesus said, "Now ye are clean through the word which I have spoken unto you.". The cleansing took place before the Pentecostal baptism.  Jesus said on that night before he was betrayed, "Now are you clean, but not all.". (He knew that Judas had the devil in him).  But the cycles have been sanctified before Pentecost, For the word of God is true. We know they have been justified a long time before, where he said, "Rejoice not that the devils are subject unto you but rejoice because your names are written in heaven." And we know they were sanctified when Jesus prayed for them, For Jesus' prayers did not have to be answered in the future but were answered right there. He said, "They are not of the world, Even as I am not of the world." They were not only sanctified but had received the Holy Spirit in a certain measure, because he breathed on them in the upper room and said, "Receive ye the Holy Ghost." Some have put it off that they were not sanctified until Pentecost.  But we know the spirit only follows the blood.  The heart must be clean before the Holy Ghost can endure with power from on high.  It is not the work of the Holy Ghost to burn up inheritance sin and carnality he is not our Savior.  It is the blood that cleanses us from all sin.  The disciples were cleansed and sanctified and they were sitting and waiting when the Holy Ghost fell upon them.

We know also that Cornelius was clean, For when the Lord let down the sheep before Peter, he said, "what God have cleansed, that call not now common," or unclean.  The Holy Ghost spill on them as at the beginning and they spoke with tongues and prophesied.

William James Roop, MABS

 My website 

 My hospice blog 

 Apostolic Theological Seminary