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Showing posts with label Anna Hall. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Anna Hall. Show all posts

Sunday, June 20, 2021

Honor The Holy Ghost

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

This is a message written by Anna Hall, an American missionary to Israel, and sent to the Azusa Street Mission in Los Angeles, California, and published in their newsletter, in 1906.

Let me warn you, dear ones, has a mother in Israel, Don't try to prune one another, Jesus says: "I am the vine and my Father is the husbandman. Every branch in me that there's not fruit, He purgeth it." Let Him do the pruning and purging. If you see a brother or sister doing anything you do not approve of, instead of blazing it abroad, get down on your knees and say: "My Father, I honor you to bring them out of this fault."

Multitudes and great bodies of Christians have gone to the wall for that very same thing. They tried to prune one another, try to make others believe just as they believe and think just as they thought. If this movement stands for anything, It stands for unity of mind.

It was raised up to answer the prayer of Jesus: "That they might be one, as thou Father art in me and I in thee." What is the matter with the world today? Here is a little selfish sect and they're a denomination by itself. They do not love one another as God would have them.

Let us honor every bit of God there is in one another. Let us honor the Holy Ghost to teach men to get them out of their error. Dear ones, watch and pray that you enter not into temptation. Watch that something does not come in to grieve the Holy Spirit. "Grieve not the Holy Spirit of God whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption."

Signed, Mrs. Anna Hall. American missionary to Israel.

William James Roop, M.A.B.S.

 Roop-Crappell Ministries 

 Hospice Volunteer Stories 

 The Trucking Tango 

 Apostolic Theological Seminary 

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Jesus Is Coming

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

The story was taken from the book called, "The Azusa Street Papers," by William J. Seymour in 1906.

Sister Anna Hall, who came here from Houston, Texas, In response to the call of God, is now assisting in Los Angeles.  The Lord let her into the Pentecostal baptism and gift of tongues without her hearing the truth except from the Word.  She related the following wonderful vision and revelation.

A few weeks ago, as we were in our camp meeting, The first night we called our altar service there were a hundred at the outer seeking God,. And a strange power came into my being that I had felt once before when God wanted to reveal something to me.  I have learned that it pays to be quiet before the Lord. I went home to my daughter's house and prepared for bed.  Just as the gray dog began to appear, I waked as if someone had touched my shoulder, and felt the same power.  I heard the beautiful warbling of a bird, And thought it was a mockingbird which one might hear there. But no, it seemed a way down in my soul.  And as that beautiful bird began to sing, I saw a little infant face right before my eyes.  It has the song of the bird began to ripple, it began to sound like water running over pebbles.  It increased till it sounded like many waters, and the face enlarged till it was a full-grown face.  I said, "surely this is a messenger from the Holy country.". The voice answered, "Yes and I have come to tell you that Jesus is coming.  Go forward in my name, preach the Gospel of the kingdom, for the king's business demands haste.  My people have only time to get on the beautiful garments, and prepare for the wedding supper in the Heavens.". Dear ones, have you got on the beautiful robes of righteousness?  I said, "Lord, reveal unto me what this means, the singing of the bird and rippling of the waters.". And God spoke to me, "The singing of the beautiful bird and the baby face was the proclamation of the first coming into the world; then the voice of many waters is a proclamation of Jesus Christ that is soon coming."

Repent and believe the Gospel, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.

William James Roop, MABS

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 My hospice blog 

 Apostolic Theological Seminary