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Tuesday, March 11, 2025

T. L. Osborn On The Radio

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

People Healed Listening to a Radio Broadcast.

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 A radio station offered T. L. forty-five minutes free of charge to enable him to minister to the thousands of people who were unable to get to the crusade. Policemen were sent to guard the radio station from being invaded by the people during the broadcasts.

A man reported that a woman next door to him who was listening to the broadcast, was healed of paralysis. Her leg and arm had been drawn up for many years. In a moment, she was made whole and was going everywhere testifying of her healing.

A man from a city ninety miles away brought an old woman to the crusade in order to let her testify. She was healed of total blindness that day during the radio ministry. At least fifty miracles had already been reported as a result of the broadcast.


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William James Roop

Friday, March 7, 2025

Revivals In Scandinavia

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!


Here is an article by Smith Wigglesworth ( Ever Increase Faith ). Enjoy.

The writer had the privilege for three months one year of being in the center of Mr. Smith Wigglesworth’s meetings in both Sweden and Denmark. It was a time of visitation from on high. I dare to say that hundreds of people received Jesus as their Saviour, thousands were healed from all kinds of diseases, also thousands of believers awoke to a new life, and many, many received the Baptism of the Holy Ghost as on the day of Pentecost. For all thus we give glory to Jesus. Here are a few examples of miracles my eyes have seen.

It was in Orebro (Sweden) where at that time there was held a Pentecostal Convention. I came to seek help myself, being worn out with long, unbroken service in the Lord’s work. The next day there was a meeting for healing. After the preaching service I went forward into the other hall and I was surprised to find in a few minutes a crowd following. The hall was soon full with hundreds of men and women patiently waiting for a touch of God through His servant, and, glory to God, we were not disappointed. As hands were laid upon me the power of God went through me in a mighty way. I was immediately well.

It was wonderful to notice, as the ministry continued, the effect upon the people as the power of the Lord came over them. Some lifted their hands, crying, “I am healed! I am healed!” Some fell on the platform under the power of the Spirit, having to be helped down. Others walked away as in a dream; others as drunk with new wine, lost to everything but God; but all had faces as transfigured with the glory of the Lord and magnifying Jesus. A young blind girl, as she was ministered to, cried out, “Oh, how many windows there are in this hall!” During the three weeks the meeting continued the great chapel was crowded daily, multitudes being healed and many saved. The testimony meetings were wonderful. One said, “I was deaf, they prayed, and Jesus healed me.” Another, “I had consumption, and I am free.” And so on.

At Skofde, in the smaller hall, set apart for those seeking the Baptism of the Holy Ghost, I shall never forget the sight, how the people with eyes closed and hearts uplifted to God waited. Did the Holy Spirit fall upon them? Of course He did. Here also many were healed. At another place there was a young man whose body was spoiled because of sin, but the Lord is merciful with sinners. He was anointed, and when hands were laid on, the power of God went mightily over him. He said, “I am healed,” but being broken down, he cried as a little child, confessing his sin; at the same moment the Lord saved him. Glory to God! He went into the large hall and testified to salvation and healing.

At Stockholm, long queues waited for hours to get in. The hall held 1,800 people. At nearly every meeting crowds were unable to enter the building, but they waited on, often hours and hours, for the chance, if any left the building to step into the place. Here a man with two crutches, his whole body shaking with palsy, is lifted onto the platform. (Behind him five or six hundred more are waiting for help.) This man is anointed and hands laid upon him in the Name of Jesus. He is still shaking. Then he drops one crutch, and after a short time the other one. His body is still shaking, but he takes the first step out IN FAITH. Will it be? He lifts one foot and then the other, walks round the platform. The onlookers rejoice with him. Now he walks around the auditorium. Hallelujah!

During this meeting a woman began to shout and shout. The preacher told her to be quiet, but instead she jumped up on a chair, flourishing her arms about, and crying, “I am healed! I am healed! I had cancer in my mouth, and I was unsaved; but during the meeting, as I listened to the Word of God, the Lord has saved me and healed me of cancer in my mouth.” She shouts again, “I am saved! I am saved! I am healed of cancer l” She was quite beside herself. The people laughed and cried together.

Here was another woman unable to walk, sitting on a chair as she was ministered to. Her experience was the same as hundreds of others. She rose up, looking around, wondering if after all it was a dream. Suddenly she laughed and said, “My leg is healed.” Afterwards she said, “I am not saved,” and streams of tears ran down her face. They prayed for her, and later she left the meeting healed and saved and full of joy. We have a wonderful Saviour; glory to His Holy Name!

Out of many many miracles in Norway, I quote two taken from Pastor Barratt’s paper, “Korsets Seir” (the Victory of the Cross). A man and his son came in a taxi to the meeting. Both had crutches. The father had been in bed two years and was unable to put his leg to the ground. He was ministered to. He dropped both crutches, walking and praising God. When the son saw this he cried out, “Help me too,” and after a little while the father and son, without crutches and without taxi, walked away from the hall together. That word again is manifested; the same Jesus, the wonder-working Jesus is just the same today.

Now Copenhagen, my homeland! During three weeks thousands daily attended the meetings. Each morning two or three hundred were ministered to for healing. Each evening the platform was surrounded. Again and again, as each throng retired another company came forward seeking salvation. Here many were baptized in the Holy Ghost. The testimony meetings were wonderful.

Now I will close with a vision a brother had who attended these meetings. He was lost in intercession for the hundreds of sick waiting to be ministered to for healing. He saw an opening from the platform, where the sick were, right into the glory. He saw wonderful beings in the form of men resting who, with interest, looked on. Again he looked at the platform and saw a heavenly Being clothed in white, who all the time was more active than any other in helping the sick, and when HE touched them the effect was wonderful. Bent forms were made straight, their eyes shone, they began to glorify and praise the Lord. A Voice said: “Healings are the smallest of the gifts; it is but a drop in the bucket in view of what God has in store for His children. Ye shall do greater works than these.”Anna Lewini in “Confidence.”

- Smith Wigglesworth ( Ever Increase Faith )

William James Roop

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Beyond Head Knowledge And Traditions

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!


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“Prayer is ‘the breathing of a soul inflamed for God, and inflamed for humanity.’” E.M. Bounds.
True prayer must be from the heart. It is not just the words or phrases a person repeats as a mere routine or formality. It involves coming before God, as our Father, with our hearts our entire beings in an attitude of humble submission. God requires our whole heart! In His dealings with the children of Israel, He spoke through the prophet Jeremiah, “And ye shall seek Me, and find Me, when ye shall search for Me with all your heart” (Jer. 29:13).

Jesus exposed the hypocrisy and religious tradition of those who prayed in the synagogues and street corners to be seen of men. He called the Pharisees hypocrites. He said: …Rightly did Isaiah prophesy of you, saying “This people honors Me with their lips, but their heart is far away from Me. But in vain do they worship Me, teaching as doctrines the precepts of men” (Matthew 15:7-9 NASB).

We must be careful not to become bound by religion or the traditions taught by men. There are many Christians sitting in our churches who pray on a regular basis. The words coming out of their mouths are what they have learned, but the words are empty and hollow because they are coming from their heads and not from their hearts.

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To go beyond ordinary prayer, we cannot be content with head knowledge or religious tradition. The cry of our hearts must be, “Lord Jesus, break through the dead, dry tradition and formalism and teach us how to pray as You prayed!” The Pharisees were committed to and preoccupied with strict adherence to the Law and the oral tradition, with its rules for interpreting the Law, purification rites, and man-made laws handed down by their fathers.

 With minute attention to detail they observed all the sacred times laid down by God. They gave tithes of all they possessed and fasted twice a week on Mondays and Thursdays. They were doing all the right things, but they were so bound by tradition that they did not really know God and could not receive the truths Christ spoke to them.

Their understanding of God was primarily as the Law-giver and their preoccupation with fulfilling His commands exactly became an end in itself. When they went to the Temple to pray, their prayers were formal and legalistic. And they went there to be seen and heard of men, not to meet with God.

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Public prayers were offered daily in the synagogue. These prayers included the Shema, which consisted of three passages from the Old Testament: Deuteronomy 6:4-9; Deuteronomy
11:13-21; and Numbers 15:37-41. The Shema was repeated both morning and evening with benedictions. In addition, the Tephillah, or Eighteen Benedictions, was repeated three times a day. Much of this was incorporated into the Hebrew Prayer Book that is still used in Jewish synagogues today.

In sharp contrast to the hypocrisy of the Pharisees, Jesus broke through the rigid, formal tradition of man’s religious forms, rituals, and concepts of prayer and established it upon a relationship with the Father! He taught the people the importance of shutting themselves away in a secret place to pray. 

Jesus said:
"And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by men. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full. But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you" (Matthew 6:5-6 NIV).

- Dr. Morris Cerullo ( How To Pray )

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William James Roop