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Showing posts with label Prayer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Prayer. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Beyond Head Knowledge And Traditions

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!


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“Prayer is ‘the breathing of a soul inflamed for God, and inflamed for humanity.’” E.M. Bounds.
True prayer must be from the heart. It is not just the words or phrases a person repeats as a mere routine or formality. It involves coming before God, as our Father, with our hearts our entire beings in an attitude of humble submission. God requires our whole heart! In His dealings with the children of Israel, He spoke through the prophet Jeremiah, “And ye shall seek Me, and find Me, when ye shall search for Me with all your heart” (Jer. 29:13).

Jesus exposed the hypocrisy and religious tradition of those who prayed in the synagogues and street corners to be seen of men. He called the Pharisees hypocrites. He said: …Rightly did Isaiah prophesy of you, saying “This people honors Me with their lips, but their heart is far away from Me. But in vain do they worship Me, teaching as doctrines the precepts of men” (Matthew 15:7-9 NASB).

We must be careful not to become bound by religion or the traditions taught by men. There are many Christians sitting in our churches who pray on a regular basis. The words coming out of their mouths are what they have learned, but the words are empty and hollow because they are coming from their heads and not from their hearts.

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To go beyond ordinary prayer, we cannot be content with head knowledge or religious tradition. The cry of our hearts must be, “Lord Jesus, break through the dead, dry tradition and formalism and teach us how to pray as You prayed!” The Pharisees were committed to and preoccupied with strict adherence to the Law and the oral tradition, with its rules for interpreting the Law, purification rites, and man-made laws handed down by their fathers.

 With minute attention to detail they observed all the sacred times laid down by God. They gave tithes of all they possessed and fasted twice a week on Mondays and Thursdays. They were doing all the right things, but they were so bound by tradition that they did not really know God and could not receive the truths Christ spoke to them.

Their understanding of God was primarily as the Law-giver and their preoccupation with fulfilling His commands exactly became an end in itself. When they went to the Temple to pray, their prayers were formal and legalistic. And they went there to be seen and heard of men, not to meet with God.

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Public prayers were offered daily in the synagogue. These prayers included the Shema, which consisted of three passages from the Old Testament: Deuteronomy 6:4-9; Deuteronomy
11:13-21; and Numbers 15:37-41. The Shema was repeated both morning and evening with benedictions. In addition, the Tephillah, or Eighteen Benedictions, was repeated three times a day. Much of this was incorporated into the Hebrew Prayer Book that is still used in Jewish synagogues today.

In sharp contrast to the hypocrisy of the Pharisees, Jesus broke through the rigid, formal tradition of man’s religious forms, rituals, and concepts of prayer and established it upon a relationship with the Father! He taught the people the importance of shutting themselves away in a secret place to pray. 

Jesus said:
"And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by men. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full. But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you" (Matthew 6:5-6 NIV).

- Dr. Morris Cerullo ( How To Pray )

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William James Roop

Friday, November 15, 2024

Derek Prince (Prayer Intercessor)

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

Here is an article about a great preacher from Jesus Saves TV.

Text:  James 5:16.

 Derek Prince

Derek Prince (1915-2003) was born in Bangalore, India, into a British military family. He was educated as a scholar of classical languages (Greek, Latin, Hebrew, and Aramaic) at Eton College
and Cambridge University in England and later at Hebrew University, Israel. As a student, he was a philosopher and self-proclaimed atheist. He held a fellowship (equivalent to a resident
professorship) in Ancient and Modern Philosophy at King's College, Cambridge.
While in the British Medical Corps during World War II, Prince began to study the Bible as a philosophical work. Converted through a powerful encounter with Jesus Christ, he was baptized in the Holy Spirit a few days later. This life-changing experience altered the whole course of his life, which he thereafter devoted to studying and teaching the Bible as the Word of God.

Discharged from the army in Jerusalem in 1945, he married Lydia Christensen, founder of a children's home there. Upon their marriage, he immediately became father to Lydia's eight adopted
daughters—six Jewish, one Palestinian Arab, one English. Together the family saw the rebirth of the state of Israel in 1948. In the late 1950s, Derek and Lydia adopted another daughter while he was serving as principal of a college in Kenya.

Derek Prince's headstone

In 1963 the Princes immigrated to the United States and pastored a church in Seattle. Stirred by the tragedy of John F. Kennedy's assassination, he began to teach Americans how to intercede for their nation. In 1973 he became one of the founders of Intercessors for America. Lydia Prince died in 1975, and in 1978 Derek married Ruth Baker (a single mother to three adopted children). He met his second wife, like his first, while she was serving the Lord in Jerusalem. Ruth died in December 1998 in Jerusalem where they had lived since 1981.

Until a few years before his own death in 2003 at the age of 88, Prince persisted in the ministry God had called him to as he traveled the world, imparting God's revealed truth.

Friday, October 11, 2024

The Key To Revival

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

Here is part of a book called God's Generals (The Revivalists), Roberts Liardon.

Text:  Psalm 51.


Charles Finney felt that prayer played a major part in the work of the revival. He wrote that “the key which unlocked the Heavens in this revival was the prayer of [Abel] Clary, Father Nash, and other unnamed folk who laid themselves prostrate before God’s throne and besought Him for a divine outpouring.” 

When Charles heard that Clary was in town, he remarked, “I have not seen him at any of our meetings.” The man who told him of Clary’s attendance responded, “No...he cannot go to meetings, he says. He prays nearly all the time, day and night, and in such an agony of mind that I do not know what to make of it. Sometimes he cannot even stand on his knees, but will lie prostrate on the floor, and groan and pray in a manner that quite astounds me.” Charles replied, “I understand it; please keep still. It will all come out right; he will surely prevail.”

He knew what this spirit of prayer was doing and he knew better than to do anything to interfere with it. 
Of this kind of fervent prayer, Charles said, I have never seen a person sweat blood, but I do know a person who prayed until his nose bled. And people have prayed until drenched with sweat, even in the coldest winter. Some have prayed for hours until their strength was exhausted from the labor of their minds. Such prayers reached out and took hold of God.

William James Roop

Sunday, June 2, 2024

The Power of Prayer (Lester Sumrall)

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!


Lester Sumrall left America with $12 ($280 today) in his pocket and a one way ticket in 1934. The pastor who took him to the docks in San Francisco said " I perceive that you're going to go to China and starve to death"  Lester " Would you do me a favor? Please send a small gravestone that says --Here lies Lester Sumrall, who starved to death trusting Jesus-- The pastor responded " I won't send it" And  Lester " I won't need it, good day" And with that He boarded the S.S. Makura and went on a journey of faith!

The marvelous thing about prayer. It's so far- reaching. The effects of prayer do not know the bounds of distance or time. We can pray for something near or far in the future. We can pray for our next-door neighbor, or for someone halfway around the world. The effect is the same. God hears the prayer of faith and glorifies Himself in the answer.

Early in my ministry, I once became very ill while traveling between China and Tibet. I was riding on a donkey in a caravan when I became so weak I could not go on. I had been bleeding and feverish for nearly two days, and I was severely dehydrated. I dismounted, tied my donkey to a tree, and lay down to die. Almost immediately I passed out.

I don't know how long I was unconscious, but when I finally awoke, I was fine. The fever was gone, and my strength was back. It took me a full day to catch up with the caravan, but I finally did locate them that evening at dusk. Just before I went to sleep that night, I recorded in my diary, "I lay down to die, and God healed me."

More than two years later, while I was in Mobile, Alabama, to visit my mother, I was sharing some of my diary entries with her Christian women's group. A dear woman in that group showed me her own diary. Written there was an account of how at 10:00 P.M. on the day before I almost died in Tibet, she had been strongly impressed to pray for me. She had prayed fervently that the Lord would not let me die. Her diary showed that she had prayed for nearly two hours before she felt certain I was all right. Then she made the diary entry before she went to bed for the evening.

At 10:00 P.M. in Mobile, Alabama, it is 10:00 A.M. the following day in Tibet. In other words, at the exact time that woman was praying, I was lying under a tree unconscious, halfway around the world! God had guided her in her praying, and He had glorified Himself by answering.
Prayer does indeed change things. It changes us. It strengthens our faith. It helps us to see things through God's eyes. It softens our hearts. It sensitizes our consciences. It gives us superhuman courage. And it molds us into champions God can use.

How is your prayer life?

-The Making of a Champion, by Dr. Lester Sumrall

William James Roop

Monday, September 4, 2023

How To Be Spiritual

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord! 


You must make yourself do things that your flesh doesn’t want to do. 

These are prayer, devotion, fasting, giving and forgiving. 

Speak less and listen more. You can learn from everyone. 

Taking good care of your bodily temple. Abusing your body through obesity or tattooing or piercing will attract the wrong spirits.

When you become disciplined you can do things you do not like doing, as though you loved to do them. 


Praying and fasting, along with the other things I mentioned are not enough if only practiced sporadically. 






Be constant in your daily, weekly, monthly & yearly disciplines. 

This will crucify the flesh. Which in turn strengthens the spirit man. 

Don’t be a hit and miss Disciple. 

It’s better to pray 10 mins every single day. Than to pray 12 hours on Sunday. Then fail to pray for the next 6 days in a row. 

And you will see real spiritual results. 

William James Roop

Thursday, December 8, 2022

The Prayer Revival

Hello everyone. Praise the Lord!

 In 1857 there was a forty-six year old man named Jeremiah Lamphere, who lived in New York City. Jeremiah loved the Lord tremendously, but he didn’t feel that he could do much for the Lord until he began to feel a burden for the lost, and accepted an invitation from his church to be an inner city missionary.

So in July of 1857 he started walking up and down the streets of New York passing out tracts and talking to people about Jesus, but he wasn’t having any success. Then God put it on his heart to try prayer. So he printed up a bunch of tracts, and he passed them out to anyone and everyone met. He invited anyone who wanted to come to the 3rd floor of the Old North Dutch Reformed Church on Fulton Street in New York City, from noon to 1 on Wednesday to pray. He passed out hundreds and hundreds of fliers and put up posters everywhere he could.

Wednesday came and at noon nobody showed up. So Jeremiah got on his knees and started praying. For 30 minutes he prayed by himself when finally five other people walked in. The next week 20 people came. The next week between 30 and 40 people came. They then decided to meet every day from 12:00 to 1:00 to pray for the city. Before long a few ministers started coming and they said, "We need to start this at our churches." Within six months there were over 5000 prayer groups meeting everyday in N.Y. Soon the word spread all over the country. Prayer meetings were started in Philadelphia, Detroit, and Washington D.C. 

In fact President Franklin Pierce started going almost every day to a noonday prayer meeting, he was the President of the United States from 1853-1857. By 1859 some 15,000 cities in America were having downtown prayer meetings everyday at noon, and a million were brought to Christ just in the United States. and many more hundred-of-thousands around the world!

The great thing about this revival is that there is not a famous preacher associated with it. It was all started by one man wanting to pray. People have been seeking God, and seeking a relationship with God through Jesus Christ for centuries. Let the spark of revival begin with your prayers too!

William James Roop, M.A.B.S.

Roop-Crappell Ministries

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