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Showing posts with label Trinity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Trinity. Show all posts

Friday, September 22, 2023

Is There Any Miracles In The Titles?

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

Perfectly 🤔 legitimate question ?  

   “Is There any Miracles In The Titles?”

Is there any miracles
Preformed in the titles
Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost?

I know not of one time 
Of the titles being used
In rebuking the devil...

Or the raising the dead,
Or getting sins remitted...

Or Healing the blind.
The leapers or
The sick!

There were no devils
Recorded to be cast out
Or down
Or told to flee!

The devils don’t tremble at the titles,
They don’t resist the titles
Or flee at the mention of the titles!

At the name of Jesus Christ,
All these things are possible,
And do happen and the devils flee and tremble!

At the baptizing in the name of Jesus Christ,
Sins are remitted,
Sins are forgotten
And people are buried in the name of Jesus Christ!

So what I don’t understand is...
There is no baptism recorded in
The Father Son and Holy Ghost,

None of these other things
I’ve spoken of has been done in the titles...
Why are you using the titles?

It ain’t in the bible!
Why are you believing
Man over God?

Salvation is Acts 2:38.

Written By Bro. Bill Lard.

William James Roop

Sunday, August 20, 2023

We are Heritics?

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

I found this recently.  The battle between Monotheism and the Trinity continues! 

Been looking at several Heretic hunter’s videos that target Oneness Pentecostalism. I find it interesting that we are heretics teaching absolute Monotheism as taught by Moses in the OT revealed as Jesus in the NT.  Our main heresy is we deny the doctrine of the Trinity which is ‘Orthodox?’ 

Matters not the word Trinity isn’t found in scriptures. 
Matters not the term Triune Godhead isn’t found in scripture. 
Matters not the Jews of the OT did not believe God was plural beings. 
Matters not the term ‘Persons’ is never applied to God in scripture. 
Matters not the Shema Deut. 6:4 declares God is one. 
Matters not Jesus proclaimed that was the greatest commandment. 
Matters not the phrase God the Son is no where in the Bible. 
Matters not we can’t find the term Eternal Son in scripture. 
Honestly we can’t find where Jesus is a member of the Godhead? 
But rather the Godhead dwells in Him? 
Yet we are heretical? 

The second heretical teaching is that baptism must be done in Jesus Name? 
Matters not Matthew wasn’t written until about 30 years after the birth of the church in Acts. 
Matters not Matthew stood with Peter on the day of Pentecost. 
Matters not Peter's message was called the Apostles’ doctrine including Matthew. 
Matters not the Apostles who heard what was said in Mt. 28;19 understood it combined with Luke 24;47 and Mk. 16;16-17. Thus they knew the NAME and baptized in that NAME. 
Matters not Peter was given the keys of the kingdom by Jesus. 
Matters not Peter in Acts 2 had received the Spirit of truth that would bring to remembrance what Jesus had said. 
Matters not every NT convert was baptized in Jesus name. 
Matters not every reference to baptism in the Epistles refer to being baptized into Christ NOTHING mentioned about the Trinity? 
All historical records vindicate the church of the 1st century baptized in Jesus name. 
But we are heretics? 

William James Roop