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Saturday, December 18, 2021

Swimming In The Mediterranean

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

I was up in Wisconsin with my wife and mother, visiting my mother's family, who still lives up there. We were staying with my Aunt and Uncle, Jerry and Nancy Mankowski, who are still living in the old farmhouse.

One afternoon we are sitting around the kitchen table telling stories. Jerry was telling about his old Navy days back in the fifties.  He served on the destroyer USS Wadleigh, DD 689. Wild board that ship they went on a Mediterranean cruise.

They stopped in many ports throughout the Mediterranean when they were there. One of the places they went was off the coast of Israel and Lebanon. Country of Lebanon was having political issues. The USS Wadleigh was assigned to cruise, very slowly, at only five knots an hour, up and down the coast of Lebanon and Israel.

Those two countries are very small so going very slow is not a problem. While they're sailing up the coast, the captain ordered crew swimming! That means the crew can take turns jumping into the sea for a swim. Times of cruise swimming was very popular among the crew. It was also very rare for that captain to give that order. 

Uncle Jerry has a lot of stories from his Navy days, it seems it was a good memory for him. I can understand that I spent four years in the United States Air Force in the eighties, and I have lots of good memories from those days as well.

William James Roop

 Roop-Crappell Ministries 

 Hospice Volunteer Stories 

 The Trucking Tango 

 Apostolic Theological Seminary 

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Cooning Melons

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

I had flown up to Wisconsin with my mother, and wife, to visit my mother's brother, my Uncle Jerry and Aunt Nancy.. We did a lot sitting around and talking the whole week. Life there is very slow!

One afternoon we were all around the kitchen table telling stories. Jerry was telling most of the stories since he's a good storyteller. Both Jerry and my mother both told a story of them cooning melons from the neighbor.

The neighbor across the lake reported my grandfather had a gun that he not was allowed to have. The sheriff came by the farm and confiscated the gun. Ever since then my grandfather and this neighbor across the lake was on bad terms.

So two of his kids, my uncle Jerry and my mother Bernadine, both teenagers at the time, decided to coon some of his melons. That neighbor had twenty acres of watermelons, just on their saw the lake from the family farm.

So that summer they would go by rowboat across the lake and coon some watermelons. Cooning is going at night, and to the fields, and stealing fruits of a farmers crop. In this case it was watermelon.

They would row in the rowboat across the lake, take some melons, and as they rowed back across the lake, they ate the melons and threw the remains in the lake. So they had the fun of stealing the melons, eating the melons, and then getting rid of the evidence down to the bottom of the lake.

Sounds kind of bad, but those are just country kids having a good time. The twenty acres of melons produced thousands of watermelons, and a handful didn't make any difference. But I imagine it was lots of fun rowing across the lake at night.

Have you ever cooned watermelons or anything else? Can you tell him us about it in the comments section? If you enjoyed this story, you can click on the "follow" button at the top of the page to catch all future stories.

William James Roop

Monday, December 13, 2021

They Are Always Looking Up

Hello everyone. Praise the Lord!

My mother, my wife, and I flew  to Wisconsin, to spend a week with my Uncle Jerry and Aunt Nancy. They live in small town called Wautoma, in Central Wisconsin. They live on the old family farmhouse.

We were all sitting around the kitchen table and Jerry was talking about ice fishing. Ice fishing is a very big activity here in Wisconsin.

Because of ice fishing rules in Wisconsin is no more than three holes and one pole per hole. Well you have one hole in three poles. They guys around there always cut out three holes with one pole and one tip-up per pole. So one fisherman can only have three tip-ups at a time.

They told us that the game warden can drive the top of the hill, and from his car with his binoculars, look to see how many tip-ups you may have. If you have too many tip-ups, you'll get a big fine!

He told us they us live fish on the hooks, and let them flop around. He said the big northerns pikes that they like to catch, just sit at the bottom of lake and look up all the time. They're always looking up. Because that's where the sick fish go. When fish that are sick, they swim to the top of the lake to get more oxygen. Those big northerns will swim up and eat them!

So they put their bait in the water connected to a tip-up. When the fish swims up take the bait, the tip up will be pulled up. When you see your tip-up go from laying down, to straight up, you know you have a fish at the end.

You then walk over to the hole, grab the tip-up, and then hook the fish really good. Very slowly, pull on the line, and pull the fish up out of the water, and up through the hole. Then you're free to save the fish, or eat it on the spot.

Fisherman in Wisconsin have these little wooden shacks that are heated, have TVs, and radios, and they pull them on the ice. So while they're waiting for a tip-up, they can hang-out comfort. They have portable stoves for heating or cooking their freshly caught fish.

Have you ever been ice fishing? Can you tell us about it in the comment section? If you like these stories, and want to catch on again you can click on the follow button I could talk with the page.

William James Roop

 Roop-Crappell Ministries 

 Hospice Care and Dying 

 The Trucking Tango 

 Apostolic Theological Seminary 

Saturday, December 11, 2021

Signs All Around

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

I was up in Central Wisconsin this summer visiting family and friends. I was with my mother and my wife. My mother was born and raised there and still has lots of family there.

We stayed with my Aunt and Uncle, Nancy and Jerry Mankowski. One day I was walking down to the old milk house with Jerry. We were going down to his windmill to drink some water. When he started telling me about his predictions for winter.

You said the berry bushes were full of berries. He said the bushes are all berries late in the summer, he'll know we'll have a cold winter this year.  You sit at the squirrels and muskrats are busy and late summer That's also a sign of a cold winter coming up.

Jerry also showed me the ants on the ground. He said look at the ends how they're building around the wall around their nest hole.  He said when the ants do that you can expect lots of rain coming up soon. He said that they are preparing for it now.

Jerry said you just have to look around and you can see the signs of coming rain or of a coming hard cold winter. He said the signs are all around you just have to keep your eyes open to it. Tell me the Indians did that for hundreds of years, the signs are there for us as well.

William James Roop

 Roop-Crappell Ministries 

 Hospice Volunteer Stories 

 The Trucking Tango 

 Apostolic Theological Seminary 

Wednesday, December 8, 2021


Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

I received this in a text from a friend.  He found it on the net.

When will the church be taken up to heaven in the face of great tribulation?

The Answer:

The timing of the church's ascension to heaven is one of the most controversial issues among Christians today.  There are basically three theories about this:

!.  Before the tribulation (the ascension of the church to heaven will take place before the last tribulation)

2.  In the midst of the tribulation Seeds.

 3.  After the tribulation (the ascension of the church will take place after the last tribulation).

4. The fourth doctrine is commonly known as "before the wrath" which is a slightly modified version of the second doctrine (the doctrine of the church being raised in the midst of trouble).  First of all, it is very important to know the purpose of the last trouble.  According to Daniel 9:27, there is still a period of seventy "weeks" (seven years) to come.  And Daniel's Seventy Week Prophecy (Daniel 9: 20-27) speaks entirely of Israel.  This will be the time when God will focus on Israel in particular.  In the same way, the seventy weeks, the last tribulation, must be the time when God will deal with Israel in particular.  Although this prophecy does not explicitly indicate that the church could not exist on earth at that time, it does raise the question of why the church needs to exist on earth at that time.

The most important Scriptural reference to the ascension of the church to heaven is 1 Thessalonians 4: 13-18.  This passage states that all living believers and with them all believers who will be resurrected will meet the Lord Jesus in the air and will be with him forever.  God lifted his people from the earth

The term "church ascension" is used to refer to the English term rapture.  After some verses, the Apostle Paul says in 1 Thessalonians 5: 9 "For God hath not ordained us to wrath, but to be saved through our Lord Jesus Christ."  The book of Revelation, which primarily deals with the last days of the tribulation, is a prophetic message about how God will send His wrath upon the earth in the last tribulation.  It is contrary to the nature of God to promise believers that He will not fall into wrath and then leave them on earth to go through the wrath of the last tribulation.  The fact that God first promises to save Christians from wrath seems to be linked to these two events and then promises to raise His people from the earth shortly thereafter.

Another very important reference to the time of the church's resurrection is Revelation 3:10 in which Christ promises to save believers in "the hour of trial" that is to come on earth.  This could mean two things: either Christ will protect believers during trials or He will save believers from trials.  Both meanings are correct according to the Greek word translated "from".  However, it is important to know what believers are promised protection from.  And this is not just a trial, but a "time" of trial.  Christ promises to keep believers safe from the time of trials and tribulations.  The purpose of the last tribulation, the purpose of the resurrection of the church, the meaning of 1 Thessalonians 5: 9 and the interpretation of Revelation 3:10 all clearly support the doctrine of "the resurrection of the church before the great tribulation."  If the Bible is interpreted literally and consistently, then the doctrine of 'before the tribulation' is more in tune with the teachings of the Bible than any other doctrine.

William James Roop, M.A.B.S.

Roop-Crappell Ministries

Hospice Care and Dying

The Trucking Tango

Apostolic Theological Seminary

Monday, December 6, 2021

Cold, Sparkling, Clean Water.

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

I was just recently up in Wisconsin visiting my Aunt and Uncle in Wautoma, Wisconsin. Nancy and Jerry Mankowski live on the old family dairy farm there.

Jerry and I one morning we're walking out to the old milk house. Behind the old milk house, and the chicken coop, is a windmill he bought in Indiana and had shipped up to him in Central Wisconsin. He wanted to show me the windmill, and drink some water from it, since the water there is ice cold and very clean. He had the water tested a few years ago. They told him Jerry whatever you do don't get rid of this water. There's absolutely nothing in it except water.

Most people reading this will think that's kind of strange. But with all the decades of chemicals whether industrial are farm related. Most of the drinking water in this country has some type of impurities in it. This world is a world of chemicals! Chemical residue is in the city, as well as in the  countryside. Where I live we get a yearly report of what's in the drinking water. There's lots in our drinking water that isn't really water.

His report came in said that his water from that underground well is absolutely pure water! That windmill pumps up cold sparkling pure water. That stream of underground water runs north to south. It runs by the old farmhouse, close to the chicken coop, and then runs to Beans lake, A couple hundred yards away.

He filled up a canning jar of water and drink some. Then he gave some for me to drink. The water was absolutely ice cold! It was good and refreshing to drink! Water that is very rare today!

William James Roop

 Roop-Crappell Ministries 

 Hospice Volunteer Stories 

 The Trucking Tango 

 Apostolic Theological Seminary 

Saturday, December 4, 2021

The Snapper And The Goose

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

I was up in Wisconsin visiting family and friends. My wife and I, and my mother, we're staying with my mother's brother, Jerry Mankowski and his wonderful wife Nancy.

One day we're sitting around the kitchen table telling stories. A favorite hobby of my Uncle Jerry.  Well the stories he told us was about the snapper turtle and the goose. That's because we had gotten on the discussion of whether snapping turtles, snap only at people.

Jerry said he was on his rowboat on beams lake going fishing. Jerry today lives in the old farmhouse. And things like is just the cross the hill. Jerry and Nancy, years ago, used to live in a log house on Bean's lake. He had a couple of rowboats, and he had a couple of dozen geese, that he had around to be watch dogs.

A flock of geese will tell you very quickly if some stranger is around. It will make a terrific noise! What day Jerry was on his rowboat fishing. When he saw a goose bobbing up and down and squawking! He couldn't understand what was happening, so it kept watching.

The juice got pulled under the water and then Bobbed back up again! This happened a couple of times until Jerry finally seen the intruder. He saw a very large snapping turtle briefly long surface of the lake. That snapping turtle was trying to pull the goose under the water to drown it.

Before Jerry could row over there, the goose was gone! The snapping turtle achieved his purpose, and pulling the goose under the water and drowning it. Jerry made the assumption that the turtle when then eat the dead goose.

I know that Jerry saw What he had seen. I personally know nothing of snapping turtles. I don't know what they just eat grass or they eat meat as well. Someone here is reading this story and knows, feel free to comment in the comment section.

William James Roop

 Roop-Crappell Ministries 

 Hospice Volunteer Stories 

 The Trucking Tango 

 Apostolic Theological Seminary