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Showing posts with label winter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label winter. Show all posts

Friday, July 21, 2023

That's My Entertainment!

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

I was sitting with my uncle in his garage one summer in Wautoma, Wisconsin on a summer day.  He was sharing with me about his winter window entertainment.

He told his neighbor that he, and his kids could deer hunt on his farm all he wants. No charge at all. The only thing that he had to do was to leave the head, hide, legs and entrails on a certain spot. This certain spot was about 40 yards from his living room window. He explained that while the Wisconsin snows were blowing, he can view the entrails from his living room window. 

He explained it like this: the crows find it first, as they are squawking and eating,  the hawks notice it. The hawks chase off the crows to have a turn to eat. The eagles then show up.  The eagles chase off the hawks to have their turn to eat. 

After all of those birds are well feed, then the coyotes find it. The coyotes will eat what meat is left, plus the bones and hide. It's then all consumed.  While all of this is happening over many days, my uncle is watching it all from his living room window. He says that this is his winter entertainment!

William James Roop

Monday, December 6, 2021

Cold, Sparkling, Clean Water.

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

I was just recently up in Wisconsin visiting my Aunt and Uncle in Wautoma, Wisconsin. Nancy and Jerry Mankowski live on the old family dairy farm there.

Jerry and I one morning we're walking out to the old milk house. Behind the old milk house, and the chicken coop, is a windmill he bought in Indiana and had shipped up to him in Central Wisconsin. He wanted to show me the windmill, and drink some water from it, since the water there is ice cold and very clean. He had the water tested a few years ago. They told him Jerry whatever you do don't get rid of this water. There's absolutely nothing in it except water.

Most people reading this will think that's kind of strange. But with all the decades of chemicals whether industrial are farm related. Most of the drinking water in this country has some type of impurities in it. This world is a world of chemicals! Chemical residue is in the city, as well as in the  countryside. Where I live we get a yearly report of what's in the drinking water. There's lots in our drinking water that isn't really water.

His report came in said that his water from that underground well is absolutely pure water! That windmill pumps up cold sparkling pure water. That stream of underground water runs north to south. It runs by the old farmhouse, close to the chicken coop, and then runs to Beans lake, A couple hundred yards away.

He filled up a canning jar of water and drink some. Then he gave some for me to drink. The water was absolutely ice cold! It was good and refreshing to drink! Water that is very rare today!

William James Roop

 Roop-Crappell Ministries 

 Hospice Volunteer Stories 

 The Trucking Tango 

 Apostolic Theological Seminary