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Showing posts with label goose. Show all posts
Showing posts with label goose. Show all posts

Saturday, December 4, 2021

The Snapper And The Goose

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

I was up in Wisconsin visiting family and friends. My wife and I, and my mother, we're staying with my mother's brother, Jerry Mankowski and his wonderful wife Nancy.

One day we're sitting around the kitchen table telling stories. A favorite hobby of my Uncle Jerry.  Well the stories he told us was about the snapper turtle and the goose. That's because we had gotten on the discussion of whether snapping turtles, snap only at people.

Jerry said he was on his rowboat on beams lake going fishing. Jerry today lives in the old farmhouse. And things like is just the cross the hill. Jerry and Nancy, years ago, used to live in a log house on Bean's lake. He had a couple of rowboats, and he had a couple of dozen geese, that he had around to be watch dogs.

A flock of geese will tell you very quickly if some stranger is around. It will make a terrific noise! What day Jerry was on his rowboat fishing. When he saw a goose bobbing up and down and squawking! He couldn't understand what was happening, so it kept watching.

The juice got pulled under the water and then Bobbed back up again! This happened a couple of times until Jerry finally seen the intruder. He saw a very large snapping turtle briefly long surface of the lake. That snapping turtle was trying to pull the goose under the water to drown it.

Before Jerry could row over there, the goose was gone! The snapping turtle achieved his purpose, and pulling the goose under the water and drowning it. Jerry made the assumption that the turtle when then eat the dead goose.

I know that Jerry saw What he had seen. I personally know nothing of snapping turtles. I don't know what they just eat grass or they eat meat as well. Someone here is reading this story and knows, feel free to comment in the comment section.

William James Roop

 Roop-Crappell Ministries 

 Hospice Volunteer Stories 

 The Trucking Tango 

 Apostolic Theological Seminary