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Showing posts with label cooning Melons. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cooning Melons. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Cooning Melons

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

I had flown up to Wisconsin with my mother, and wife, to visit my mother's brother, my Uncle Jerry and Aunt Nancy.. We did a lot sitting around and talking the whole week. Life there is very slow!

One afternoon we were all around the kitchen table telling stories. Jerry was telling most of the stories since he's a good storyteller. Both Jerry and my mother both told a story of them cooning melons from the neighbor.

The neighbor across the lake reported my grandfather had a gun that he not was allowed to have. The sheriff came by the farm and confiscated the gun. Ever since then my grandfather and this neighbor across the lake was on bad terms.

So two of his kids, my uncle Jerry and my mother Bernadine, both teenagers at the time, decided to coon some of his melons. That neighbor had twenty acres of watermelons, just on their saw the lake from the family farm.

So that summer they would go by rowboat across the lake and coon some watermelons. Cooning is going at night, and to the fields, and stealing fruits of a farmers crop. In this case it was watermelon.

They would row in the rowboat across the lake, take some melons, and as they rowed back across the lake, they ate the melons and threw the remains in the lake. So they had the fun of stealing the melons, eating the melons, and then getting rid of the evidence down to the bottom of the lake.

Sounds kind of bad, but those are just country kids having a good time. The twenty acres of melons produced thousands of watermelons, and a handful didn't make any difference. But I imagine it was lots of fun rowing across the lake at night.

Have you ever cooned watermelons or anything else? Can you tell him us about it in the comments section? If you enjoyed this story, you can click on the "follow" button at the top of the page to catch all future stories.

William James Roop