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Showing posts with label Louisiana. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Louisiana. Show all posts

Thursday, July 28, 2022


Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

My neighbor, his nickname is Atchafalaya, came over to my motorhome was very  intoxicated as usual.  He staggered around and had to lean on my motorhome to brace himself. My neighbor's lives alone and he drinks too much. Bourbon whiskey is his choice.

He shared with me a funny story about his upbringing in South Louisiana, around the Morgan City area. Atchafalaya and his best friend named Steve noticed an older man didn't use his boat, that sat tied to his dock along the Tesh Bayou.

Atchafalaya and Steve wanted to go fishing with the boat, so they decided to sneak up on the boat tied up on the dock, and quietly untied, and then pushed the boat down the Tesh Bayou.

They would fish all day, catch a bunch of fish, and then return the boat, tied it up, cleaned it up, and made sure it was full of gas. When they found out they didn't get caught the first time, they started doing it two or three times a week. Always stealing the boat then pushing it down the river before they would start of the engine.

This went on for several months. Then one day his father came home and start talking about how a good boy is, and thought he'd buy him a boat. He thought that was kind of strange as his father never talked that way. He said he saw in the newspaper of a boat up the bayou for sale, and told him, "let's go and look at it."

Atchafalaya, his dad, and Steve got in the pickup truck, and they started driving down the road. His dad then pulled into a driveway that went towards the bayou. He looked at Steve with a scared look on his face! Steve looked at him back and horror. They were going down the driveway of the old man that they were stealing the boat from several times a week!

They drove to the house and they all got out. The old man came out of the house and walked towards the pickup truck. They introduced themselves and chit-chatted for a little while. All the while the two boys were scared to death of what was going to take place! They noticed nobody had gotten in a hurry, which made the horror even worse!

Then his dad told the old man, how much do you want for the boat?" The old man said, "well since these two boys have been using my boat, but bringing it back cleaned up, and full of gas, they can have the boat for free. Just every Friday, bring him a bunch of fish for the weekend!

Atchafalaya and his friend Steve were horrified to find out the old man knew every time they had stolen the boat! And then they found out that the old man and his father were a long time friends. As young men they played poker together and fished together!

This whole thing was a setup to punish the two boys of what they were doing. And it worked!  They were scared out of their wits!

Do you have a fishing story that you can share with us in the comment section? If you enjoyed this story you can click on the "follow" button to read all future stories.

William James Roop

Roop-Crappell Ministries

Hospice Care and Dying

The Trucking Tango

Friday, April 1, 2022

Three Blown Tires!

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

My neighbor Atchafalaya, in the next RV came over to give my wife a magazine.  "Atchafalaya" was his nickname. Atchafalaya is a river in southern Louisiana where he had grown up. He had taken two by accident at the grocery store. We were talking about how beautiful the day was this morning. And he mentioned that he had gotten his camper repaired yesterday by an electrician.

I told him, "yeah I saw their repair guy was over there, what did he fix?"  He said he was trying to repair some wiring. He explained how he was trying to fix it himself and pulled some wires to get some slack, and ripped out the wires! He said the camper had set idol for ten years, and needed a lot of repairs done to it.

I told him, "yeah the wires had probably rotted out and probably were pretty brittle. He didn't seem to agree with that and easily brushed off my comment. He continued, they tell me how the hurricane was going towards Morgan City about fifteen years ago, and he wanted to get out of there. So he is pulling the same camper to Alexandria Louisiana, Atchafalaya had just purchased the camper, and along the way he had three tire blowouts! I told him yeah the camper set for ten years in a warehouse, and tires after five years are unreliable. After five years the rubber starts to deteriorate! And he seemed to agree with that. He said that it cost him twelve hundred dollars of repairs to fix the three tires!

I told him that he should have had all the tires replaced when he bought the camper. He reluctantly agreed with that statement. He said eventually replaced all the tires with sixteen ply tires. He said now he can run over some I-beams and never get a flat tire!

That just goes to show that things in this life deteriorates. But if we have Jesus Christ in our life, He never gets old and He never deteriorates. You can have Jesus in your life, all your life, and he'll never get old, and he'll always be by your side!

William James Roop, M.A.B.S.

 Roop-Crappell Ministries 

 Hospice Care and Dying 

 The Trucking Tango 

 Apostolic Theological Seminary 

Monday, November 8, 2021

Only In South Louisiana

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

My wife and I bought an RV for our future ministry needs. We will be renting out all three of our houses, and living in the RV full time, to travel for ministry, church to church.

My wife and I are very excited It's exciting to start a second career but also very exciting to work for the Lord. We bought the RV late morning, in Patterson, Louisiana.  We then drove to the DMV to register it with the State of Louisiana.

We had an appointment for two-thirty and was there a few minutes early and they let us in. While we're standing there waiting for the registration paperwork to be made out, my wife and I overheard two women talking in the office.

The two women were talking about being on their fishing boat, and fishing all day! My wife looked at me said, "only in South Louisiana will you hear two women talking about fishing!"  Most places in the world that's a conversation for men. 

But South Louisiana is where the Cajuns live! Cajun women can fish just as well as their husbands can fish! Everybody here has a boat, or even a couple of boats! And most people hunt and fish. That's just part of the Cajun culture here in South Louisiana.

Well the registration finally got typed up and we had to pay over thirty-three hundred dollars! I was in shock about the price on the taxes. Thirty-three hundred dollars a lot money to me! As my wife was writing out a check, I whispered to her if we had enough money in the bank account. She assured me that we did!

The RV cost forty-thousand dollars, and the tax rate was 8.9% on recreational vehicles. But what can you do, taxes or a part of life, and their only going up! I guess if I want to drive on the roads and bridges I need to pay the taxes to support them.

Do you have any interesting Cajun stories you can share with us? If you do, you could tell us in the comment section. If you enjoyed this story you can click on the "follow" button so that you can read all future stories.

William James Roop, M.A.B.S.

 Roop-Crappell Ministries 

 Hospice Care and Dying 

 The Trucking Tango 

 Apostolic Theological Seminary 

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Hot Tub Fish Tank

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

My wife and I was just recently in the Morgan City, Louisiana area. We had not been there for a couple of months. While we were there we stayed at my father-in-laws house. Herbert Crappell and his wife Lynn.

My Father-in-laws house, we call him Herby,  is in a small town, few miles northeast, called Stephensville.  It's a small quiet place along the bayou. Houses along the Louisiana Bayou's are called "camps."  We both had a wonderful time visiting with family.

While my wife and I were sitting on the porch, we looked at the hot tub sitting next to us. It's a hot tub but the motor  burned out, so they didn't use as a hot tub anymore. Instead  Herbie made it into a very large fish tank! He has about a dozen goldfish in there, with plenty of room to swim around.

You can play the video of the actual hot tub fish tank on my YouTube channel, "Brother Roop teaches the Bible." In the video I called it a waste of a good hot tub, but it's actually a pretty cool idea. My father-in-law is full of very cool ideas!

William James Roop

 Roop-Crappell Ministries 

 Hospice Volunteer Stories 

 The Trucking Tango 

 Apostolic Theological Seminary 

Monday, September 13, 2021

The Profane Father

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

My wife and I was just recently in the Morgan City, Louisiana area. We had not been there for a couple of months. While we were there we stayed at my father-in-laws house.

My Father-in-laws house is a few miles northeast, called Stephensville.  It's a small quiet place along the bayou. We were sitting and watching tennis when Herby starred to talk about people cussing.

He said that he was playing golf with someone he knew from around town. He playing with his two kids. Herby joined them for a round. Herby told me how this man was cussing all of the time while they were playing! He was also cussing in the presence of his two small kids!

Herby ask him why he wants to cuss in front of his children. The man said it didn't matter too much. Herby said it doesn't matter It's just not right to cuss in front of your children. Plus, I'm offended by it as well, I don't want to hear your profanity. The man continued cussing in their presence. So Herbie walked around and started leaving.

The man said, hey where are you going? Herby told him again that he didn't want to hear his profanity, in front of his children, and himself. Herby left that day, and never played golf with that man again, or had anything else to do with him.

Years later he saw one of the sons of that man in a pool hall. When he asked about his father the boy started crying and confessed that his father had molested both him and  his brother all of his life! The father was charged and put in jail for his crimes.

Herbie said he never had any respect for people who cussed a lot. He said that was always a bad omen for bad character. You freely admitted that he cussed a little at work, but he never brought it home to his wife and kids. There's just some things a man should never do!

William James Roop,

 Roop-Crappell Ministries 

 Hospice Volunteer Stories 

 The Trucking Tango 

 Apostolic Theological Seminary