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Showing posts with label profanity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label profanity. Show all posts

Monday, September 13, 2021

The Profane Father

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

My wife and I was just recently in the Morgan City, Louisiana area. We had not been there for a couple of months. While we were there we stayed at my father-in-laws house.

My Father-in-laws house is a few miles northeast, called Stephensville.  It's a small quiet place along the bayou. We were sitting and watching tennis when Herby starred to talk about people cussing.

He said that he was playing golf with someone he knew from around town. He playing with his two kids. Herby joined them for a round. Herby told me how this man was cussing all of the time while they were playing! He was also cussing in the presence of his two small kids!

Herby ask him why he wants to cuss in front of his children. The man said it didn't matter too much. Herby said it doesn't matter It's just not right to cuss in front of your children. Plus, I'm offended by it as well, I don't want to hear your profanity. The man continued cussing in their presence. So Herbie walked around and started leaving.

The man said, hey where are you going? Herby told him again that he didn't want to hear his profanity, in front of his children, and himself. Herby left that day, and never played golf with that man again, or had anything else to do with him.

Years later he saw one of the sons of that man in a pool hall. When he asked about his father the boy started crying and confessed that his father had molested both him and  his brother all of his life! The father was charged and put in jail for his crimes.

Herbie said he never had any respect for people who cussed a lot. He said that was always a bad omen for bad character. You freely admitted that he cussed a little at work, but he never brought it home to his wife and kids. There's just some things a man should never do!

William James Roop,

 Roop-Crappell Ministries 

 Hospice Volunteer Stories 

 The Trucking Tango 

 Apostolic Theological Seminary