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Showing posts with label The Lucky Find. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Lucky Find. Show all posts

Thursday, April 14, 2022

The Lucky Find

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord! 

It's just a joke so don't be offended...

The Lucky Find

A New York attorney representing a wealthy art collector called and asked to speak to his client.
"Saul, I have some good news and I have some bad news."

The art collector replied, "You know, I've had an awful day, Jack, so let's hear the good news first."
The lawyer said, "Well, I met with your wife today, and she informed me that she has invested only $5,000 in two very nice pictures that she thinks will bring somewhere between $15 and $20 million... and I think she could be right."

Saul replied enthusiastically, "Holy cow! Well done! My wife is a brilliant business woman, isn't she? You've just made my day. Now, I know I can handle the bad news. What is it?"

"The pictures are of you and your secretary."
In My Defense...

Defense Attorney: "Will you please state your age?"

Little Old Lady: "I am 86 years old."

Defense Attorney: Will you tell us, in your own words, what happened the night of April 1st?

Little Old Lady: "There I was, sitting in my swing on my front porch on a warm spring evening, when a young man comes creeping up on the porch and sat down beside me."

Defense Attorney: "Did you know him?"

Little Old Lady: "No, but he sure was friendly."

Defense Attorney: "What happened after he sat down?"

Little Old Lady: "He started to rub my thigh."

Defense Attorney: "Did you stop him?"

Little Old Lady: "No, I didn’t stop him."

Defense Attorney: "Why not?"

Little Old Lady: "It felt good. Nobody had done that to me since my Albert died some 30 years ago."

Defense Attorney: "What happened next?"

Little Old Lady: "He began to rub my breasts."

Defense Attorney: "Did you stop him then?"

Little Old Lady: "No, I did not stop him."

Defense Attorney: "Why not?"

Little Old Lady: "It made me feel alive. I haven’t felt that good in years!"

Defense Attorney: "What happened next?"

Little Old Lady:" Well, by then, I was feeling a little hot and bothered, so I asked him to come closer."

Defense Attorney: "And did he?"

Little Old Lady: "Well, he came closer.... and then yelled, “April Fools!”

And that’s when I shot the bastard."

William James Roop, M.A.B.S.