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Sunday, April 14, 2024

Two Covenants

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

Here is a story from an unknown author that I found interesting.

Two Men Named Mephibosheth

There were two men named Mephibosheth living in David's kingdom at the same time; an uncle and a nephew. One, the son of Saul; the other, the son of Jonathan. 

Saul's action against the Lord caused the rebellion of the Gibeonites. They wanted blood for the actions taken against their family. David agreed to give them their request. 

Jonathan's actions to preserve his friend and "brother" David established a covenant that would last a lifetime. 

Uncle Mephibosheth was sent to his death at the hand of the Gibeonites because of the actions of his father Saul. Nephew Mephibosheth's life was saved because of the actions of his father Jonathan. 

Uncle Mephibosheth died because of a covenant his father broke before he was ever born. 
Nephew Mephibosheth lived because of a covenant that was made before he was ever even born. 

Some of us need to realize that we are walking in promise because of covenants that precede our timing. Others need to realize that by our honored or broken covenants, we are creating the circumstances our children will face after we're gone.

William James Roop

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