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Saturday, January 13, 2024

Why Did Jesus Turn Water Into Wine?

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

Here is something that I found that I wanted to share.

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1. The First of the 10 plagues was water turned into blood.  The first of Jesus's miracles was water turned into wine
2. Wine symbolizes the blood of Jesus Christ shed for our atonement.
3. The obedience of the servants represents the obedience that Christ demands of His followers.
4. The filling the waterpots to the brim represents how every believer is to be filled with the Spirit so that the wine of His Blood can be proclaimed to the world through us.
5. Saving the best for last represents how the New Covenant is better than the Old Covenant 
6. Christ and his disciples being invited to the wedding foreshadows the marriage supper of the Lamb
7. The master of the wedding feast acknowledging that Christ's wine was the best wine foreshadowed how the Heavenly Father would accept Christ's atoning sacrifice.

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William James Roop

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