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Saturday, November 27, 2021

Grandma And The Outhouse

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

My wife and I were up in Wisconsin, with my mother, to visit her family who still lives in the central part of the state. My Aunt and Uncle, Jerry Mankowski still live on the old family dairy farm.

One day while we were there, we were sitting around the kitchen table, with Jerry telling stories. One of the stories he told was from his childhood. Getting a whipping for bad behavior!

Uncle Jerry with a couple of his friends were in the lilac bushes next to the house. The old outhouse was behind the farmhouse and in view of the lilac bushes. One afternoon me saw her grandma walk out of the farmhouse and go into the outhouse.

They had a long piece of rope with them in a lilac bushes. If I like bushes with hollow inside and was the playhouse for all the kids. Jerry and his two friends quietly snuck out and wrapped the rope around the outhouse! They tied the rope together where Grandma cannot open the door to get out! 

Grandma was able to see who was guilty through the air holes of the outhouse! Grandma was a big woman It was able to push the door open against the badly tied rope. When grandma finally got free, there was now hell to pay!

Unfortunately for Jerry there is a willow tree close by, so Grandma always had the selection of dried willow branches to choose from! She calmly selected a very nice sturdy branch, and used it to get effect on Jerry's behind!

Even though Jerry got a really severe whipping that day, It was good for him. A good whipping  now and then, makes for a fine man later. Today, it is one of Jerry's treasured memories, and he still laughs about it today.

William James Roop

 Roop-Crappell Ministries 

 Hospice Volunteer Stories 

 The Trucking Tango 

 Apostolic Theological Seminary 

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