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Saturday, November 6, 2021

A Calf In The Snow

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

My uncle Jerry and I were sitting in his living room talking and telling stories. I went up there to visit family and friends this summer. My mother is from there and she still has lots of family there. I escorted my wife and my mother there also.

Jerry was telling me a story about how a neighbor cow had her calf. He said he always provided a warm place with straw or his cows to calve her young. Jerry said that was all wrong and he shouldn't do it that way. He said that makes the cows weak and sickly their whole life.

You said back in the day they would let the cows have their calves outside in the snow and the cold. He said by doing that the cows would grow up stronger and healthier. He said the cows that were born in the winter were always the healthiest cows that produced the most milk.

And he went on and said the cows born during warm weather always had health problems and didn't produce as much milk. My uncle Jerry grew up on this dairy farm and led this area as a life. He knows a lot about dairy farming. I'm from the city and don't know anything about it!

Weather this is true or not I do not know. But it does make a lot of sense. If you're born and grow up and harsh conditions you tend to be tougher and stronger. This is even the case with humans. If anybody has a pity on this please leave a comment in the comment section.

William James Roop

 Roop-Crappell Ministries 

 Hospice Volunteer Stories 

 The Trucking Tango 

 Apostolic Theological Seminary 

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