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Friday, December 13, 2019

Second For The First Principle

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

Second for the First Principle
            In this principle God sets aside the first and establishes the second.  It is sometimes called the Election Principle.  This is a continuing example that all sacrifice to God is set aside for the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ on the Cross.  This is strictly by revelation of God Himself for the continuing of God’s Purpose (Romans 9:10-12).  There are many examples of this principle throughout Scripture.  First among man does not mean first among God.
            Cain was set aside for Abel:  God set aside the offering of Cain for the offering of the second, which was Abel’s.  When Cain murdered his brother Abel, God set aside Cain‘s family, who was first, and established Abel‘s family, who was second.
            Ham was set aside for Japheth and Shem:  Ham disqualified himself by his sinful behavior on his father Noah, and was set aside for his two brothers.
            The World was set aside for Noah’s family:  The world had grown wicked so they were set aside for Noah’s family to begin again with mankind.
             Ishmael was set aside for Isaac:  Ishmael was rebellious and married Canaanite women, whereas Isaac returned to his homeland to marry a woman chosen by God.
             Esau was set aside for Jacob:  A blind Isaac crossed his hands (Cross) and set aside Esau and blessed Jacob.  The first was set aside for the second.  Esau was a man of idolatry and corruption, God could not allow that to prosper.  (Genesis 48:8-19).
             Reuben was set aside for Judah: “The scepter shall not depart from Judah, nor the legislator's pen from his descendants; to him nations shall submit, until the coming of Shiloh.”  When to other brothers plotted to kill Joseph, Judah convinced them to save his life.
            Calvary:  God set aside all former sacrifices for the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the Cross.  Mankind’s relationship to God before Calvary was set aside for a new relationship that is better and more intimate.
            Salvation:  God has set aside the Law of Moses for salvation through faith in Jesus Christ.  “Except a man be born again,” The first birth is set aside for the second.  The old man is to be set aside for the new man.  Our old condition is to be set aside for a new condition.  Mt. Sinai is set aside for Calvary.
Heaven and Earth:  Today’s world is filled with sin, but God will set it aside and create a new heaven and earth. (2 Peter 3:13).
 Jerusalem:  The Jerusalem of today will be set aside for a future new Jerusalem.  The old city that is filled with sin and strife will be replaced with a holy city where peace in God will reign.

The Old Testament is set aside for the New Testament:  The Old Testament tells us where man has come from and is filled with types and prophecy of the New Testament.  But our spiritual life is established by the New Testament today.

William J. Roop, M.A.B.S.

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