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Monday, December 9, 2019

Prophecy Principle

  Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

Prophecy Principle
             Much of the Bible is prophecy, about a third of it is prophetic.  Basically, prophecy is history written in advance by God, through men.  It is important to know where this prophecy is located and how to interpret them.  Prophets serve a duel role.  They speak the Word of God to people or organizations.  They also speak the Word of God about the future to warn men about their sin and coming judgments.  In Biblical Hermeneutics it is the later that we need to be concerned about.
            Prophecy can be broken down into many different ways.  Here is how I see it in Scripture and how it should be studied.  The three major categories are the prophies of his Current Time, Jesus Christ, and the End Times.  These three categories can have many subcategories, but I will not get into those in this writing.
            Biblical prophecy is also conditional and unconditional.  Conditional prophecies are fulfilled only if Israel fulfills certain conditions laid out in the prophecy.  Unconditional prophecies will be fulfilled by God without conditions.
            With a third of the Bible as prophecy entire books can and has been written about it.  The subject is much too large to properly deal with here, so I will just give the major categories as I see it.
            Prophecy about the Current Times.  This is not our current time, but the current times of the prophet declaring his prophecy.
            Prophecy about Jesus Christ.  There are many prophetic utterances in the Old Testament about the first and second visitation of Jesus Christ.  The New Testament has many utterances of the second visitation of Jesus Christ.

            Prophecy about the End Times.  Information about the End Times is becoming more and more important.

William J. Roop, M.A.B.S.

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