Hello everyone. Praise the Lord!
Demon Possession of Christians
There are two different types of Christians. One type are professing Christians whom are without the Spirit baptism. The other type of Christian is the ones that are filled with the Holy Spirit by the evidence of speaking in tongues. The professing Christians whom lack God's Spirit are sometimes, or at least in danger of being possessed by demons. The Holy Ghost filled, Bible thumping, foot stomping, isle running, handkerchief waving Christian cannot be indwelt by a demon because that Christian is already indwelt by God's Spirit.
The reason that I believe this is that there is no Scriptural reference in the New Testament of a Christian being possessed by demons. Nor is there any Apostolic writings concerning this manner. If a real Christian could be indwelt by a demon, then I could safely believe that the New Testament writers would have written about this danger and have warned their fellow Christians about this danger. The Apostolic writers did not even mention the subject.
A Christian can have his heart filled by demons as is shown in Acts 5:3. "But Peter said, Ananias, why hath Satan filled thine heart to lie to the Holy Ghost..." A demon can whisper in the ear of a Christian and influence him to sin or to do something that he should not do. But this is not a demon possession. This just means that a Christian can be influenced by demons, just like people can be influenced by a lot of other things.
A Christian can also give place to a demon as demonstrated by Scripture in Ephesians 4:27, "Neither give place to the devil." This does not mean the a Christian can be possessed by a demon, it just means that we can keep a sin close to us that we do not want to give up. The devil influences us to sin and if we keep that sin then we are giving place to the devil.
If a Christian could be possessed by a demon then it this subject would have been addressed by the New Testament writers. It was not the case. There is no Scriptural reference to demon possession of a Christian. Now then, a demon can certainly possess a professing Christian that is without the infilling of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit cannot co-exist with a unholy demon spirit.
William J. Roop, M.A.B.S.
Since writing this page, I have been assisting several deliverance ministers in casting out demons! I have discovered in the real world, through practical application, that demons do indeed demonize Christians! For further information, you can contact me on my website, the link is below.