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Showing posts with label wicket gate. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wicket gate. Show all posts

Monday, May 17, 2021

Get Into The Cornfield

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

This is a testimony recorded by William J Seymour in his book called, "The Azusa Street Papers" published in 1906.

This is the testimony of Brother Hill, a Nazarene preacher. He and his wife both received their personal Pentecost and Bible evidence.

"It is an awful hard thing to get a holiness preacher that has been indoctrinated for years to see that he is not received his Pentecost.  I have been preaching for twenty years and never preached anything but a full salvation.  To get a fellow that has been preaching twenty years to see that he has not received the baptism, when he has been preaching all the time that he has it, And then to get him to turn seeker, is a hard job. I tell you it means for him to get pretty near the end of himself.

The time has come, In the full blaze of Pentecost, that if you do not walk in the light, you will become a dry chip. I bless God. I humbled myself. On the 10th day of July the Lord gave me the evidence of the Pentecost.  It took me three weeks, searching the Word, from Genesis to Revelations to see that these things were so.  Any fellow that will get down on his knees and pray through and read through, we'll find that the Holy Ghost only falls on a clean temple. You must give over and let God have his way.

So many folks remind me of the hog that was trying to get into a big cornfield. There was a big, hollow, crooked clog in the fence, laid in such a way that both ends of the log were on the same side of the fence. The hog would go into one end of the log, expecting that he would get into the cornfield. He would go in and come out, And look all around to see how it was that he was not in the cornfield. Is there a lot of folks today just in that place.  They crawl through a hollow log of experience and never get anything.  Bless God, I would hunt the way. Jesus said, "I am the way." Get into the cornfield.  Hunt for the wicket gate and you will get in. Hallelujah!  I am in the cornfield."

William James Roop, M.A.B.S.

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 Apostolic Theological Seminary 

 Roop-Crappell Ministries