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Showing posts with label testimonies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label testimonies. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

The Power Of A Testimony

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

Here is a true story about the power of a testimony. Enjoy.

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He Preached Some Of His Best Sermons Through The Lips Of Other Men 

STAUNCH WILLIAM BOOTH was about his doctrine, he was just the opposite when it came to his methods. Given his aim of saving the lost, there were few things he wasn’t willing to try. In one meeting at which the crowd seemed to have little interest in his preaching, he decided to turn the floor over to a Gypsy hawker who had recently been saved. Almost as soon as this man started to give his testimony, the crowd was transformed and seemed to hang on his every word. From that day forward, testimonies from new converts were given at almost every meeting. 

William also started to delegate responsibility to new converts at each meeting. He found their enthusiasm to be contagious, and as they served at each gathering, prospective converts became even more receptive to the gospel message. It later became a saying in the Army that William preached some of his best sermons through the lips of other men. “He never monopolized the meetings. He made others help him—they were as much theirs, as his. This helped to make them attractive as well as effective.”

- God’s Generals ( The Revivalists ) 

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William James Roop

Friday, April 9, 2021

Evangelist T. W. McConnell's Testimony

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

This is a true testimony, told at the Azusa Street Mission in Los Angeles, California in 1906. It was published by William j Seymour in his book, "The Azusa Street Papers," in 1906.

About 28 years ago, I went into a meeting to break it up, And the Lord broke me up. My conversion I never could doubt.  I was called to preach and refused, and went on for a number of years trying to get away from the call.  Finally I obey the Lord, and started in to work for Him, but not to preach.  The Lord sanctified my soul.  Did I commence to try to preach.  About two years after, The Lord appeared to me in a dream.  He's so filled me with His Spirit that people were not able to stand up before me, for a time.  A few days after, He told me to give up my business, And make my wants known to Him, and not to man.  I obeyed.  The Lord supplied my every need, and was with me in revival meetings and in healing many that I prayed for.  But heard of people receiving the Holy Ghost and speaking with tongues.  I came to Los Angeles to investigate, and found it was a fact, and earnestly commence to seek the Lord for the baptism with the Holy Ghost.  And the Lord, Knowing my heart, Came and took possession of me and spoke with my tongue.  I want to say to every person, test God and you will never deny the baptism with the Holy Ghost.

William James Roop, MABS

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