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Showing posts with label steaks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label steaks. Show all posts

Saturday, September 25, 2021

The Admirals Steaks

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

I was just up to central Wisconsin visiting family. My wife and I escorted my elderly mother there. My mother was raised there on a dairy farm. My Aunt and Uncle are still living there today.  My Uncle Jerry is my mother's older brother.

One afternoon, Uncle Jerry was telling me about his navy days. He served in the early fifties on a destroyer named the USS Wadleigh, DD 689. Named after the World War One admiral, George H. Wadleigh.

My Uncle Jerry's job was in the boiler room, and the engineering department in the bottom of the ship. One of those jobs was to maintain the temperatures of the food refrigerators and freezers. One of the items in the food freezers were steaks specifically for the captain of the ship, and the admiral of the fleet.

Once in a while when Jerry wanted to get in good with the cook, He would bring up a couple of the Admirals steaks to the kitchen. The cook with fry up the steaks, and Jerry and the cook with dine on the admiral steaks! Jerry said they always had plenty and didn't miss a few once in awhile!

The ships cook appreciated the gesture of a steak now and then, so my Uncle Jerry never went without eating a good meal on the ship during his cruise!  My Uncle Jerry has been out of the Navy for sixty-five years now, so I guess it's safe to tell the story!

William James Roop

 Roop-Crappell Ministries 

 Hospice Care and Dy

 The Trucking Tango 

 Apostolic Theological Seminary