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Showing posts with label pure joy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pure joy. Show all posts

Saturday, January 22, 2022

Died And Went To Heaven

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

An elderly woman died and went to Heaven, she came back with God’s message. This is not my testimony, but her's. In the end you can believe what you want.

Heart Stopped For 11 Minutes!

Charlotte Holmes was having her routine checkup with her heart doctor in 2019, when her blood pressure suddenly spiked. Hence, the doctor advised her to get admitted to the hospital immediately, because she could have another stroke or a heart attack with her condition. The medical authorities then tended to her to get her blood pressure down.

Danny, her husband, who was also in her hospital room, suddenly heard words from Charlotte, while doctors and nurses worked on her. She started talking about flowers, when there were no flowers in the room. Then Charlotte’s heart stopped, and she clinically died for eleven minutes!

While this was happening in Charlotte’s hospital room, her spirit already left her lifeless body. And she could see from above, everyone in the room. Then she went to heaven where angels led her!

“Everything in heaven worships God,” she described as she saw flowers and grasses swaying with the music.

“I can’t convey to you what heaven looked like because it’s so above what we can even imagine a million times,” Charlotte added. “There’s no fear. It’s like pure joy..”

Also, Charlotte saw deceased family members in heaven standing behind who looked like they were in their thirties. And then behind them was a light so bright—it was the Heavenly Father.

After experiencing heaven, God also showed her what it looks like in hell.

“After seeing the beauty of heaven, the contrast to seeing hell is almost unbearable,” she recounted. She saw a lake of fire, with a multitude of souls screaming in the flames! 

She was told to go back and to warn the people of the earth! Repent of your sins according to Acts 2:38. For the Lord is returning soon to judge sinners, and to renew the earth. 

William James Roop

 Roop-Crappell Ministries 

 Hospice Volunteer Stories 

 The Trucking Tango 

 Apostolic Theological Seminary