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Showing posts with label Illustrative Mention Principle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Illustrative Mention Principle. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Illustrative Mention Principle

Illustrative Mention Principle
             This is where God shows His anger at certain kind of sins by judgment.   By doing this God highlights His displeasure of those sins, but sin in general.
            Disobedience: Genesis 3:14-19:  Adam and Eve disobeyed the Word of God and so God had to judge them to show His displeasure and for an example to the future generations.  The judgment was separation from God and the loss of security of the Garden.
            Corruption and violence:  Genesis 6-8:  The whole world was corrupt and violent, 6:11-13.  This highlighted sin was judged in Genesis 7-8.  The judgment was a world- wide flood that wiped out the earth so that God could start over.
            Pride:  Genesis 11:  Man had built a tower to walk into heaven, without an invite.  Man desired to “make a name” for himself, Genesis 11:4.  God judged man with their greatest fear at the time.  To be “scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth.  Genesis 11:4.
           Homosexuality:  Genesis 18:16- 19:29:  This was by far the overwhelming sin of Sodom and Gomorrah.  We can see this in Genesis 19: 4-5.  The judgment for this sin was death and hell fire in the form of molten sulfur.  This area today has the second largest deposits of sulfur in the world!
            Lack of Faith:  Genesis 22:  Because of Abraham's lack of faith in Chapter twenty with Abimelech, God decides to judge Abraham and to prove his faith and obedience with the sacrifice of his only son.  The judgment was a severe test for Abraham to prove his faith.
            Blasphemy:  Leviticus 10:  Nadab and Abihu, the son's of Aaron offered strange fire before the Lord.  The Lord immediately judged them by a righteous fire, killing both of them!  This was done as an example to illustrate the importance of service before the alter.  Here, also, God shows that he will punish blasphemy most severely!

William J. Roop, M.A.B.S.