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Showing posts with label Denzel Washington. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Denzel Washington. Show all posts

Saturday, February 19, 2022

Feed My Sheep

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

This is a personal testimony of the actor Denzel Washington that he gave to the Christian Post writer Chris Fields.

Denzel Washington says God has been telling him to 'feed my sheep,' tells men who are looking for success to 'stay on your knees.'

It has been a rough season — COVID, political fights, racial protests, increased violent crime — and no one is immune.

Not even a superstar celebrity like Denzel Washington.

So, what has he been during these trying times? Praying.

Now he's sharing what he has been praying about, what God is revealing to him, and what he believes others should be doing if they want to find true success and peace.

What did Denzel say?
At "The Better Man Event," a Christian convention for men, in Orlando, Florida, last weekend, Washington spoke to tens of thousands of attendees.

In a conversation at the event with Pastor A.R. Bernard from Brooklyn's Christian Cultural Center, the Christian Post reported, Washington said that he has dedicated himself to spend the rest of his life helping others — and all because God has made it clear to him that it's time to feed God's "sheep."

"At 66, getting ready to be 67, having just buried my mother, I made a promise to her and to God, not just to do good the right way, but to honor my mother and my father by the way I live my life, the rest of my days on this Earth," the Hollywood star told the audience of men. "I'm here to serve, to help, to provide."

Whenever he prays, the Lord has been making it clear what He expects from the actor.

"In every prayer, all I hear is: 'Feed my sheep.' That's what God wants me to do," he said, the Post reported. He added that in order to understand what that means, he has sought counsel with Christian leaders.

Through those discussions, he has learned that because there are "all kinds of sheep" and "the world has changed," men need to understand their role and use the gifts God gave them.

"What is our role as a man?" Washington asked, and then added, "Strength, leadership, power, authority, guidance, patience are God's gift to us as men. We have to cherish that, not abuse it,"

Washington, who has had more personal success in the entertainment industry than nearly any other living actor, offered some advice when it comes to humility and success.

"It [the Bible] says in the last days we'll become lovers of ourselves," he reminded the audience. "The number one photograph now is a selfie. So we all want to lead. We're willing to do anything — ladies and young men — to be influential."

"Fame is a monster," Washington warned, "and we all have these ladders and battles, roads we have to walk in our given lives. Be you famous or whoever's out there listening, we all have our individual challenges. It's cliché, [but] money don't make it better. It doesn't. Fame just magnifies the problems and the opportunities."

For those seeking true success, Washington offered this: "Stay on your knees."

"I hope that the words in my mouth and the meditation of my heart are pleasing in God's sight, but I'm human," he added. "I'm just like you. What I have will not keep me on this Earth for one more day. Share what you know, inspire who you can, seek advice. If you want to talk to one someone, talk to the one that can do something about it. Constantly develop those habits."

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William James Roop, M.A.B.S.

Roop-Crappell Ministries

Hospice Care and Dying

The Trucking Tango

Apostolic Theological Seminary