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Showing posts with label Brother Mead. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Brother Mead. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Brother Mead's Testimony Of Pentecost

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

This is the testimony of Brother S. J. Mead's salvation, as reported in the Azusa Street Mission newsletter on November of 1906.

We are asked by many dear ones about our Pentecost, etc. It is beautiful, simple and full of comfort. I went to the meetings when I first heard of the manifestations of the Spirit, speaking in tongues, healing of the body, etc. I was not surprised, For we had been praying and expecting something of this kind to arouse God's people to the reality of the Word of God, And the truth of God's Emanuel. While seeking the closer walk with God in Africa, the Spirit seemed to fall on us, revealing Jesus so real to our souls; a burden seemed to be on my heart, in writing and in conversation, I could but say, Jesus is real.

The first night at the meetings, My heart went out for the baptism. I went forward to be prayed for, and hands were laid on me, then prayer was made, but I might receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit. I continued praying and fasting, and hope and much comfort.

What evening, in complete abnegation of self, It was revealed to me that the same power and persecutions that were in the beginning were now to be repeated for the perfecting of the Church. Would I choose it? My heart cried out, oh yes Lord, With your smile. And my soul was flooded with divine love; And I commence to speak as I would sing a new song.

It was entirely different from the way Mrs. Mead received her baptism. I was as conscious as I am at this moment, but my heart was full of praises and thanksgiving. I see now to have conception of the mighty efficacy of blood of Christ, and His omnipresence and Spirit, as never before.

Many ask, "Do you think these tongues will be used in a foreign field?" As for myself I cannot say. My God is able, this I know. The Pentecost or baptism of Divine love, That would enable a missionary to say to the poor Africans, as the Spirit did through Peter and John, to the poor cripple at the gate of the Temple, "silver and gold have I none, but such as I have give I thee. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk," with Mark a grand epoch in the history of foreign missions. I believe God is about to repeat many of the miracles and wonders wrought in the early history of the church.

Signed, S. J. Mead.

William James Roop, M.A.B.S.

 Roop-Crappell Ministries 

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