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Wednesday, May 1, 2024

What is Holy Ground?

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

Here is an article that I wanted to share with you.

By calling a place “sanctified” or a “sanctuary”—or claiming that it’s “holy ground”—does not make it true. 

Go there. Enjoy! Gather together. 
But God is the only one who reserves the right to call a thing holy - not any man. Otherwise, where does it end? 

Keep the right perspective.  

Christ destroyed the need for a holy physical location!…and every Old Testament location was a type of Christ and/or his church which was to come. 

The same goes for the most elegant, old, traditional buildings. It doesn’t matter how beautiful it is - it is not the House of God. I am not saying that to be mean - but when you call the building the House of God - you apply something he reserved and called forth by his own blood to a brick and mortar building. 

No place on earth is holy, we are holy. 
Nor do we go to places to be more holy, either (John 2:19, Colossians 1:22, 2 Corinthians 5:20). 

This can possibly hurt some feelings, and that’s not my intent - it really shouldn’t hurt when someone insists that we call you - the Christian - for who you really are!  You are the true holy sanctuary!! 
You are God’s holy ground!! 
You are sanctified in full!! Yes, our actions and attitudes are being sanctified but we are not. 

Our identity in Christ is final from the millisecond we are born again by obeying Acts 2:38. We will spend the rest of our living days on earth renewing our mind to reveal how holy and complete we actually are!  

The Spirit of Christ cannot live in non-sanctified, unholy places—and the Scripture is clear, He lives in us! 
We are the temple of God! 

Be awake to who you are!  He is!

Everything you expect when you “go to church”, realize that it all takes place NOT because of where you are, but because of WHO YOU ARE and who HE IS!  

BE the House of God on Monday. 
Make Him preeminent all week. 
You are complete in Him more than Sunday & Wednesday. 

You are a light! 
You are an altar! 
You are his dwelling place.  

Don’t limit HIM to any building. 
Be the building.

And don’t limit HIM to the assembly!

William James Roop

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