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Monday, September 18, 2023

You Don't Like Your Church?

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

Here is an article that is so true for today.  We are a world of complainers.

Questions to ask yourself before you start complaining about your church:

If the church service depended solely on MY worship….. how full of worship would the service be?

If the church had to depend solely on MY faithfulness…… how faithful would my church be?

If the church had to survive solely on MY prayer life….. how much prayer would be going on?

If the church could only go as deep as MY relationship with God goes….. how deep would my church be?

If we had to make it on MY Bible reading and knowledge……. How knowledgeable would my church be?

If the preaching depended solely on my response to the preaching and the altar call…….. how responsive would my church be?

If it all depended on me……. What would happen? 

Before you start complaining…….. make sure the you’re: 
The first one praying
The first one dancing
The first one reading and studying
The first one responding
The first one fasting 
The first one faithful

Remember: we can’t complain if we’re not being what we say we want.

By: Keith Smith

William James Roop

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