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Saturday, October 30, 2021

Falling To Her Death

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

I was up in Central Wisconsin visiting family this summer. My uncle Jerry took me to a little town called Wild Rose. There we ate burgers and beer at tavern called sluggers.

On the way back he pointed to a house and told me the story of how a woman died there. She lived alone she had no husband or family. She lived in this house with about a hundred acres. But she did have a neighbor behind her who lived on another farm.

This neighbor was an elderly man who also lived alone. This elderly man would several times a week check in on the lady. Especially the long cold winters of Wisconsin. Folks up there, in that part of the country, are still neighborly, and still strive to take care of each other.

One day this neighbor fell down the stairs going down into her basement! She had left her phone upstairs. When she fell and hit the bottom of the basement, she broke her back in three different places! She was completely paralyzed and could not move. She also had other injuries that were life-threatening!

The lady laid there for three days before she finally passed away! She was paralyzing could not move and she could not call anyone! For three days she laid there not knowing what would happen. It appears she could move her hands a little bit. Because she scribbled on the basement floor her last will and testament!

The elderly man who checked up on her finally came only to find her deceased. He immediately called the police and an ambulance! There they confirmed her death and discovered her last will and testament. She willed her entire property over to this elderly man who would occasionally check up on her.

The older man had his own farm and many acreage himself and had plenty of money. He didn't need this inheritance from her. What he did with the house and land I don't know. But always pays to be neighborly and nice to your neighbors. If I get paid in this life but most likely you'll get blessed in the life afterwards!

William James Roop

 Roop-Crappell Ministries 

 Hospice Volunteer Stories 

 The Trucking Tango 

 Apostolic Theological Seminary 

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