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Saturday, September 4, 2021

God Shut Him In

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

This is a portion of an article that I have come across, the author is unknown.

I have always thought that Noah was safe inside the Ark because he built it according to God's specifications. I thought that perhaps it was the strength of the gopher wood and the soundness of the architecture that ensured that the waters of the flood would not come into the Ark.

But today I encountered a verse that shifted this whole paradigm.
Let's read what Gen 7:16 says .." The animals going in were male and female of every living thing as God had commanded Noah..

Don't miss this.... even after Noah had built the Ark, it was God Himself who shut him in, in order to shut out the waters of the flood... In other translations this verse says "The Lord sealed them inside."

It is not the fact that you have locked your house that keeps you safe at night, it is not your good driving skills that keeps you safe on the road, neither it's your healthy eating habits that keeps you healthy - only God can shut you in and shut out the devil that is seeking to devour you.


William James Roop, M.A.B.S

 Roop-Crappell Ministries 

 Hospice Volunteer Stories 

 The Trucking Tango 

 Apostolic Theological Seminary 


  1. Jesus/Jeshua attained Christ consciousness but so can you. He tried to tell this to the people of his time, but they were unable to understand and simply continued and still continue to worship him as being the only son of God-- better, holier, and separate from everyone else. Mankind has evolved and today is better able to understand the message of the first Christmas on this deeper level.

    As with the original story, the new born Christ of every person needs to be held secretly and sacredly within until it grows stronger. It needs to be protected from the well meaning Herods that often exist in families, friends, co-workers, churches, etc. who will try and take it from you for your own good of course.

    This is the point at which the followers of many world religions block themselves from spiritually evolving into a consciousness of higher truth.

    To believe that Christhood belongs only to a certain person is idolatry, the pagan worship of a god. When we believe someone or something to be more spiritual, deserving, or blessed, than ourselves or everyone else, we are in full acceptance of the belief in separation.

    Know that as you evolve more deeply into the realization of your true self as Divine Consciousness, the high resonating energy of your consciousness expands further into your energy field where it then automatically dissipates many areas of shadow (pockets of old denser energy). This is why it is so important at this time to align with your true identity as a God being rather than continuing to put effort into fixing, clearing, and removing three dimensional appearances. Not everyone is spiritual ready for this step, but you reading these messages are or they would make no sense to you.

    There is more ~onenessofall~

  2. Thank you for sharing your thoughts! I personally disagree with it. But I do appreciate you.
